Saturday, January 30, 2016

Weekly Blog 2/1/16

 I learned that the different type of features a river has is a source, tributary, floodplain, meander, levee, a mouth, and a delta. A tributary is a stream or river joins a much larger river. A mouth is when the main river joins a lake or ocean. And a source is where the main river starts.
          What Practice Shows My Growth
One practice that shows my growth as a scientist is the Simple Model River. Because it helped my understand the different features of a river. Thats how I know all the features. Or at least the basic features. It also made me learn that a Confluence is the point at when a tributary joins the main river.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Weekly Blog 1/11-1/15

A Delta is a D shaped area of sediment built up into water thats open that flows into a river or ocean. And this sediment is muddy or sandy. A source is a start of the river and a mouth of a river is a point in which a river reaches a sea or lake. A loop or bend in a river is called a Meander. The San Joaquin River has a Delta, in fact its a Bay Delta. The San Joaquin river is the main source of water for about 25 million people from far away for example from Los Angeles and San Diego.

SP2: Developing and using models
 I annotated picture of lakes with all the river features I could find. In one I found 1 V-shaped valley , 2 meanders, 1 mouth and 1 source. And another one had a 1 Alluvial Fan, 1 Ox bow lake, 1 source, and 1 mouth. I found out that a source is a start of a river and that a mouth is the point in which the river flows out into a sea or lake. And I also figured out that a Meander is a curve or loop in a river. A tributary is a small river that joins a main river next to it.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Dirt on Soil Project

Newtok is located in Alaska the case is that every year the Ninglick river was eroding away pieces of Newtok every year which was making a big hazard for the people living on it.

Newtok is full of hazards because it has most erosion rates from 36-83 and high permafrost ratings.The averaging of the shoreline caused the main erosion problems. About 68 feet of erosion was calculated near the shore. The high shores on eroding the landscape near the shoreline.

I didn't know much about the topic because my last year we were in sixth grade and we didn't study this then. But we did do a little bit of study before the project. I did know that erosion is the process of little pieces of the earth being blown away. And we had to do a IGNITE presentation and I knew how to make on because I knew we had to have 12 slides which are each 15 seconds and that theres only pictures on the slides.If there are any words there can't be more than a sentence.
What did/do you find frustrating about it? 
I found frustrating that Arjun wouldn't listen to what everyone said he would only say their own opinion and do it with out listening to what the others want on the slide. And another thing that was frustrating was the timing for our slides we wrote to little on our script. I also found frustrating that some of my group didn't pay much attention and put like a entire paragraph in the slide when I said that I heard the teacher say we could only have one sentence.And then we started arguing until the teacher announced there couldn't be any more than one sentence, again. And my partnership was decent I could deal with it.But constantly I would argue with Arjun because he would criticize literally everything I try to do for the project.

Our project was similar to everybody's because we had to make a IGNITE presentation for each group. And this was a "have to" because we were also learning to get the IGNITE presentation technique down we all had to make one.The only reason our project was different was we were all assigned different places and different erosion cases. And every one had to do research on what type of erosion was involved with their case I had permafrost. So basically everyones slide was the same amount of time as mine.


A goal I would set is to take more time out of doing video games at my house and start doing more of my projects and work i didn't do. And I also need to get a planner to set out what to do first than leaving something to the last minute. And I also want to set a goal to take notes in class even if i am not asked to so I can prevent a Zero. And since we have "once a zero always a zero" I can't fix it. And these are my goals to keep me on track without any zeros.