Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Weekly Blog 2/29 - 3/4,h_525,al_c,q_85,usm

Summary:  Acid rain is a type of rain that contains so chemicals that are acidic. Sometimes if the rain is not that acidic it won't affect the wildlife and ecosystem. But if its too acidic then it becomes a threat to wildlife. Juan Tuno in our article said this "If they're a little bit acidic, then that's normal, but if they're too acidic, it would kill the fish and other water life." Basically what I said. Acidic rain can be a huge problem. And maybe the answer to the massive fish murder that I am investigating.

S&EP: Engaging in argument from evidence: Did you participate in a class discussion providing evidence for your answers, and/or used the ACE strategy in your work?
This week I used the ACE strategy in my quiz's. ACE stands for Answer, C stands for Cite evidence and Explain. I used it to answer the questions about Acid rain. This is one of them. Do you think acid rain is killing the fish? Why or why not? I said it is because the water test prove that the water is too acidic for fish. Maybe this could be the answer to the Massive Fish Murder.

Grey Area Argumentative Essay

The gray area has been having a problem lately. This problem is that the fish are dying off in large numbers. There is a big question going around “who is responsible for the death of these fish.” With the fish dying of this is a big tragedy which makes less food for other animals. Now the scientists are trying to find out who made this mess? My thinking is that Sandy Trapp and her golf course are causing the fish to die. Because the fertilizer is polluting the water which is causing algal blooms to grow. And then with the lack of oxygen the fish can't breath well then they stop suffocating.

I think that the fertilizer is polluting the water which causes phosphates than that helps algal blooms to grow. Then the algal blooms will suffocate because the algal blooms block out some oxygen for the fish to breath. The article states that the fish need oxygen from the water. “Many fish and water insects cannot breathe oxygen from the air.They breathe dissolved oxygen in water. This also shows that the algal blooms could be affecting the breathing of the fish. Because some fish need more oxygen than the others. “Other animals (like trout, pike, salmon, and the larvae of mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, and beetles) need a lot.Without enough oxygen, these animals can die. Other animals that depend on them for food may die or leave.” This also tells us that the golf course can be a culprit because they dump way too much fertilizer in the river. “Too many phosphates (and nitrates) build up in water. They may come from laundry detergent, manure, or fertilizer.”

You can tell that the golf course in responsible for the fish dying. Because by watching the birds you can tell. And note the amount of certain birds.  I know that the kingfisher only eats fish.  So with the phosphates the fish will shortly die off. Since the fish will eventually affect the food chain, it will affect the kingfisher.The fish will die then it will take away the food for the kingfisher. That's how the kingfishers population is decreasing. The fish will eventually die off causing the kingfisher and the other birds to die. The this will affect all the other birds. This could spread to deer and other animals. And even to us!

Sandy trapp knows that she is doing something wrong. So does Mo but she's forcing him to. Her golf course is using way too much fertilizer.
“People pay to play on green grass, that's our business. No green grass=no business.We need to add more fertilizer and water to our lawns. I hope I have made myself clear.” States Sandy Trapp with a email directed to Mo. This could be a clue in proving she is behind the fish murder. “Phosphates are a kind of chemical found in fertilizer…” says Juan Tuno. And with the email from Sandy we can tell that the phosphates are in the river and phosphates help algal blooms grow, which causes fish to die off with the lack of clean water and oxygen. “Phosphates help algae (water plants) grow.” This is what the algal blooms files say. And like I said with the lack of air for fish they start to die. Phosphates are formed when there is too much fertilizer and people are watering too much. This causes the phosphates.

I think that Sandy Trapp and the golf course are behind the fish murder. Because she waters on too much fertilizer and her golf course creates phosphates. All of my evidence includes the phosphates because that creates algal blooms and fish loose oxygen.That kills them. And the algal blooms aren't good in general either. Knowing this people should stop going to the golf course so they can stop watering the fertilizer which is already to much. And remember this note that Sandy did? “ No green grass=no business.We need to add more fertilizer and water to our lawns.” This proves that if we don't go to the golf course, they don't put fertilizer anymore because the grass is already Ok. Join to put an end to this fish murder. Stop going to the golf course!