Friday, August 26, 2016

Cell Theory 8/26/16


The Golgi Body is technically the the post office for a cell. The golgi body is found in both plant and animal cells.The first golgi was actually one of the first organelles to be observed. A italian physician named Camillo Golgi discovered it while trying to investigate the Nervous system. Gathers simple molecules and combines them to create complex molecules. Then packages the complex molecules in vesicles and either stores them or sends them out of the cell.
The golgi is often considered the distribution and shipping department for the cell's chemical products.he golgi was actually one of the first organelles to be observed. A Italian physician named camillo Golgi discovered it. Modifies, sorts and packages proteins for secretion.

SP6: Constructing Explanations And Designing Solutions:

I evaluated information from a worksheet to decide which is the odd one out and we decided that the sugar was the odd one out because earlier that day we discussed that if the thing is alive it can eat and drink and reproduce for example a apple seed. A apple seed falls off apple tree and obviously most people won't pick it up because its on the ground so it stays there. And after all that time the apple rots and the seed are still there. And when it rains it gives hydration to the seed so the seed plants itself to the ground and the sun also helps by giving the seed energy. So right there was a example of reproduction,hydration, and energy. This is what indicates I something is living.

Structure And Function:

A cell is a starting point for all organisms. Its like on big building block. The cell has many different functions and parts inside it. For example the Vacuole,Mitochondria,Cell Wall,Cytoplasm,Cell Membrane, and there are more. All those including more help control the cell and how to maintain its structure. There are over 100,000 trillion cells in our bodies. The Nucleus controls the cell. And the Mitochondria is the power house of the cell. All cells in our body come from preexisting cells.