Friday, December 9, 2016

Charity Fair Project 12/9/16

The Mason Jars So Credits To Me

            Charity Fair

Summary: Do you ever think that your shelf looks kind of boring, or that it’s missing something? Well we have a solution for you. We present the Seasonal Mason Jars created by the company, A & D Association. Our seasonal mason jars come in 4 different themes, including an ocean themed mason jar for those who are interested in sea life, a fall mason jar that perfectly completes the fall decor, a winter mason jar that will give you the christmas miracle you’ve been waiting for, and a spring mason jar for those who live for wildlife. The characteristic of a good charity is that it gives the majority of the money it earns to the actual cause and not the administrative costs. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research achieves this ideal characteristic. The IWPR gives about 57% of the money that they earned to the actual cause. Also, only about 43% of the money that the charity earns is administrative costs.
Backward Looking:
I had a lot of experience with the charity. To be exact since 5th grade so this made it my 3rd year doing charity fair. I am very familiar with charity fair and how it all goes. The only new thing was that we had to present 1 by 1 in front of a audience of parents and they would rate us. It used to be a parent coming to our booth and then we would present to them there but it changed this year. But the rest was normal we would do a Ignite Presentation, Charity Statistics, Cost & Profit, an Instructable, and our Poster Board. And we would make a product to sell at the Charity Fair.
Inward Looking:
One thing that was frustrating is that we little time to work on our project in classes. In Language Arts for out Ignite Presentation we had 3 days, In Social Studies we had 2 days to research about our charity, In Math we had 4 Days in total to do both our cost and profit and statistics, In Elective we had 1 week which was fine that class was clear for our board which was a good amount of time so it does not count for this, and in Science for our instructable we had 2 days. This made us have to do most of our projects as homework.
Outward Looking:
I would give our project an A because we put a lot of effort into this and when we couldn't meet up at each others houses we would go to the library and do our product over there. We put a lot of effort into this by working on it at home a lot and revising everything we do.  And if we didn't meet the expectations of our work we would always regrade it and try to meet the expectations. We would read the rubrics also for all our work and we would always double deck our work and sometimes check it 3 times.
Forward Looking:
One thing I would like to improve upon is our board setup because is was kind of scrambled here and there and it was disorganized a bit. And I would also like to reflect on the spring jar we did that was also kind of scrambled and disorganized so i wish my group was more organized with our stuff.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Human Genetics 12/4/16
Human Genetics 12/4/16

Genetics are what you inherit from your mother and father when you are born. They are what make you look like either your mom or dad when you are older. 99.5% of all human genes are the same. DNA carries generic instruction for your body and how you are supposed to look. Our DNA is 3 meters long. One of our cells can stretch from the earth to the sun back and forth 3 times!
S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models:
We are making superheroes and mine is based off of the Pistol Shrimp. The pistol shrimp can close its jaws so fast and abruptly that the water around heats up to a boil. Since the Pistol Shrimp is small it can fit into small spaces. I drew a picture of the pistol shrimp as a human and my superhero has claws for hands. It also has the whiskers that help the shrimp sense things around it.
XCC: Structure and Function: 
When the water inside the claw get squeezed out it forms a type of mini water jet. The speed of the water jet is so fast that once the shrimp closes its claws we get a pressure drop to below the normal vapor pressure of water which results in cavitation. Cavitation occurs when the water velocity is very high, the pressure drop that are even below the vapor pressure will vaporize or boil. The loud sound that the claws of the pistol shrimp make consist of both claws slamming together at such amazing speeds and so much force.