Sunday, February 28, 2016

Weekly Blog

I learned that the grey area has been having a problem with the amount of fish dying. They have been dying in very large numbers.  The chemical test show 0% chlorine. And the water slide opened at the same time the fish started dying of.This makes the water slide a culprit.
SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
Yes, I did ask a scientific question because i had to ask wether the water slide involved the death of the fish or not.Then we had to conduct tests on the water slide.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

River Challenge Project Blog

I learned that the Amazon River is located in Brazil. It is a very long river so it runs through Bolivia, Guyana, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia and Peru. It flows east. And I also learned that There are a lot of tribes that live near or on the Amazon river. One of these tribes are the Yanomami tribe. They believe that every living thing in the rainforest or river has a spirit. Kind of like in the movie “Pocahontas” when she sing ‘Colors of the Wind’. This belief is called animism.
I did know a little bit before we started. I said this because we studied rivers before we started our project. So we knew about the different types of river features such as meanders,levee's,the mouth and more. So yes technically I did know about the river before I started. I also knew the amazon river was home to very rare species.
  • How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
    I feel proud about my work because we put lots of effort and time into it.And by "we" I mean me and my group. I enjoyed filming because one of my teammates fell into the lake. I disliked that one of our members didn't really cooperate at all much they just messed around.

I would myself an A because my group and I put lots of effort into this project. We really tried our hardest. And we tried to put in some humor also. So it was like a actual documentary fun but not to of topic.
I would want to change the way we did things because we were really rushed.And since each of us were busy on days others were free.It made it more difficult to get everything under control. So we were getting scared but we found a way to get through it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

W.A.C Should China Build More Hydro Electric Dams?

 China has many citizens depending on them to make the right decision. So Chinas thinking,  Should we build more Hydro Electric Dam's? And in my opinion I think China should build more Hydro Electric Dam's. Hydro Electric Dams could prevent flooding in China. It could save lives and etc. And I have 3 reasons to help support my evidence.

My first reason is that it saves lots of damage money. Because if there is a special monument in the area and it gets destroyed it could cost thousands and maybe millions to repair. And for people that have houses, if their house get destroyed or affected the home owners would have to pay a lot to repair. And what if those people barely earn money at their work? And instead of risking these things to happen they can build a dam which is a better way to use their money rather than using it on damage caused by the flood.

My second reason is because it can prevent flooding and it can make electricity to help benefit China. This could save lives and save houses. This electricity that the dam causes could help China succeed in other projects they are working on or talking about doing in the future. And the article says "The dam generates more than 700,000 megawatts of clean electricity. And 700,000 megawatts is a a lot! And if there is flooding it could cause down power line making China lose some of their electricity.

My third reason is that if China builds Hydro Electric Dam's it could save lives of China citizens. Because we all know for a fact that floods are very dangerous. And this quote "The 3 gorges dam has brought many benefits to china and its people". So rather than risking the lives of innocent citizens and children why not install some Hydro Electric Dam's to keep these people save from harm. And if some people do get hurt and they don't have enough money to afford surgery, stitches, etc what are they going to do just lie their dying? Save these people and install Hydro Electric Dam's.

In conclusion I think that yes China should build more Hydro Electric Dam's. And these dams have many benefits. Some benefits such as giving clean electricity to people. Keeping citizens out of harms way. It can save not only China's government money but also home owners money. This is why I believe people in China should build Hydro Electric Dam's.