Friday, May 6, 2016

Biome Project Project Blog

In this project we had to make a website and diorama on a biome of our choice. We had to put a page for plants,Animals,Human Interaction,and Survival.And I was working on the Plants Page. We basically had to put like 5 or 3 examples of plants. And for our diorama we could use whatever we wanted as long as the diorama had 3 animals, 3 plants, and 6 labels for all the animals.

I didn't know much about the deciduous forest before we started. I only heard the name before but I never bothered to research it. But now I know that the deciduous forest is a temperate forest or temperate broad-leaf forest. That are dominated by trees that lose their leaves each year. They are found in areas with warm, moist summers and mild winters.

I feel proud about this because our diorama and website came out very good. I like how we were able to make a nice simple design of our biome.I feel like our diorama wasn't that simple because we put lots of effort and used our creativity. I enjoyed making the diorama and planning it. I disliked that we had to write down so many facts for many different animals and plants on the website. But overall this project was very fun to do.

I would give my project an A because we worked hard and followed the instruction. We double checked our work to make sure we met all the requirement on the website and the diorama. And while making the diorama I feel like we all pitched in our creativity to make it and decorate it. And I know that all my group members contributed on the website. I know this because our website has an amazing amount of facts on each topic that we had to do. And we like did extra checks, like over 5 to make sure we had everything and we even did grammar checks, or at least I did. This is one of the many reasons why I would give my project an A.


I would change our page setup on our website, because I feel like we could do a little better in it and our choice of page backgrounds. But this can easily be fixed by last minute changes on the website. I really want to change the amount of facts that we put because its uneven because 2 pages have many facts and 1 or 2 have less. And I also think that some of the pages have an exaggerated amount of facts. But overall I wouldn't change anything else. But I know for a fact that our diorama was on point and there is no need to fix it or make any changes. But these are my thoughts on my project, my teams might be different but this is my point of view.

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