Friday, September 16, 2016

Cell Wars Project Blog


The presidential debate for who is going to be the next president of Cell Land is OVER!!  Everyones vote is being cast in. My vote is going to the Ribosomes because from their presentation is the the ribosomes help grow your hair and the proteins they make gives and helps the cell with its structure and the function of the whole cello. The ribosome has both a large sub unit and small sub unit. The ribosomes make all proteins which after get sent to the Golgi Apparatus to be processed modified and sent out.

Backward Looking:

 I knew pretty much all about cells because we learned and had a whole unit on them in 5th grade but I forgot some parts from here and there. I knew the different cells were Vacuole, Ribosomes, Lysosomes, Peroxisome, Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm, ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum), and the Mitochondria. The only thing I forgot was the structure and function. But this project cleared up my head and reminded me about the cells and organelles.

Inward Looking:

What I found frustrating out this project was that we had to do so many things and my group was scattered here and there.  When we said we were to do the poster we ended up smearing/burning other organelles. And we had a hard time settling on what to do one this day and the other. I mean half way through class we would know what to do but by the next half we would be leaving work half done. That was another problem we would be spending to much time on one thing such as our poster for most of class leaving only 15 minutes to work on our script which is key for our video. But we got over it and gave a pretty decent poster,video,smear/burn and tack board.

Outward Looking:

I would give my group an A- or the lowest a B+ because we put a lot of effort in our video smears/burns and poster. But in my opinion I think we could have put a tad bit more facts in our video. And we could have made our posters a little bit more informative about our organelle. But in my opinion our smears/burns were perfectly fine. Like I said the only thing with flaws was our poster and out video.

Forward Looking:

One goal I want to set for myself is to probably organize out what day I would do this and that. I say this because I feel like my group was kind of rushed. My group was kind of rushed because we would be springing from one place to the other place doing work. But the thing is we would leave our remaining work like 80% done while starting another part of the project. So for future projects I would want to make a calendar to stay on track and to keep myself on task and focus.

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