Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Periodic Table 3/26/17

The Periodic Table | My Storybook
Summary: The periodic table isn't all just letter and numbers in tiny squares on a chart. The first column of the table (excluding hydrogen) is the Alkali Metals Family they have one electron in their outer shell and are very very reactive. The second column is the Alkali Earth Metals which have 2 electrons in their outer shell. Then the whole middle section is Transition Metals which can bond with many elements in a variety of shapes. Then we have the next column which is the Boron Family with 3 electrons on its outer shell. Next to that is the Carbon Family which has 4 electrons in its outer shell they bond very easily but are not very reactive. Carbon can form 4 bonds which gives living things the possibility of shape. Then Theres the Nitrogen Family with 5 electrons. Then the Oxygen family with 6 elections and is reactive. The the Halogen Group  with 7 electrons and are very reactive and are all non-metals. Then last but not least the Noble Gases which don't react to anything with 8 electrons(excluding helium). Then the bottom rows are rare earth metals and some are radioactive and can conduct electricity.

S&EP:SP1: Asking questions and defining problems:  We had to fill out a chart and we had to fill in the spaces for the periodic table. We had to find the amount of protons neutrons and electrons.  Some math was involved. How I found the number of neutrons was first i took the atomic mass and then subtracted the number of protons from it and then i rounded it to find the number of neutrons. And then we did this for about 15 or 20 different elements from the periodic table.

XCC: Cause & Effect:  Cause and effect plays a big part in this and one example is that the number of protons and neutrons can effect the atom to have a negative ion or positive ion. (charge). When you mix 2 different atoms one could react highly or the other might not react at all depending on what atoms you are putting together and depending wether they are reactive or not.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Elements And Atoms 3/18/17

Science Notes and Projects
Summary: Atoms are what make up literally everything. Atoms are made up of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. The middle of the atom is the Nucleus. The Nucleus is made up of Protons and Neutrons. The Electron is flying around the Nucleus. Electron's have a Negative Charge, Protons have a Positive charge and the Neutrons have a neutral charge. The Protons are what determine/identify what type of atom it is. Elements are made up of only one type of atom. And ALL Elements are found on the periodic table. If its not on the periodic table then its not an Element. Density is how much stuff is in a given space. Mass divided by Volume is the formula to find the density of something. And Volume is the amount of space something takes up. To find volume you must do length times width times height.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations: To figure out more about density,volume, and mass we did an experiment in which we had giant tub of water. Then we had different types materials that all had different densities, mass and volume. Some of the materials sunk because they had more density and mass while some didnt because the had less volume and mass. We also tried to use aluminum foil we filed it to the size of the bin of water and put it in. It floated. But we folded it into a little square to make it more dense and then it sunk.

XCC: Cause And Effect: The amount of protons an atom has is what identify what type of atom it is.  If your atom has a negative charge it is called a cation. This happens when electrons get added giving the atom an negative charge. If electrons are lost then the atom has a positive charge which makes it a anion. Cause and effect is very key in the atoms. So if a atom is positive its a anion. If it has a negative charge then its a cation.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Asian TIger Mosquito Project 2/8/17

Summary:  The Asian Tiger Mosquito is a well know species around the east coast area due to its deadly bite and white and black color . The asian tiger mosquito is most know for the deadly disease that it carries which is called  the chikungunya fever .The Asian Tiger Mosquito is also an invasive species. An invasive species is a type of animal or plant that is transported somehow to a new environment that it does not belong to, causing environmental harm and unhealthiness.

Backward looking: I knew that the invasive species are species that are somehow transferred to a new area where they don't belong causing havoc in the area. But i never knew that the Asian Tiger Mosquito was a Invasive species. I didn't know that invasive species were so harmful towards the environment.

Inward Looking: One thing I found frustrating was that I was the one that had to do most of the work. Because at the last minute I didn't have the brochure printed out. And I felt like I could have managed my time at home despite my busy schedule and I could have maybe spent more time on this project.

Outward Looking:  I would give my project a B+ just because I knew that my project didnt meet the full required fields that we needed and what the rubric said. So maybe if we read the rubric a little more our project would have been a A with full credit. But for us the lack of reading the rubric brought us down.

Forward Looking:   One thing I would like to improve upon is Time management because we we scrambling to finished up our project during the last few days and I feel like we missed a couple of things that the rubric required. And in the future I wish to be more on top of my work and to pay more closer attention to the rubric.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Invasive Species 2/6/17

Invasive species in Canada and Climate Change on emaze
An Invasive species is a type of organism that somehow gets transferred to a different place that it's not native to causing it to disrupt the new environment it got placed in. There are many type of interactions that can happen. Predation is when one organism contains all or one of another. So it a win-lose situation.Competition is when two organisms are fighting for either food,shelter,mates etc. Next we have Symbiosis which is the relationship of two different organisms. Mutualism is when both organisms benefit off of each other. It's a win-win situation. Commensalism is when one organism is benefited while the other isn't benefited or harmed. It's a win-meh situation. Lastly we have Parasitism which is when one organism is benefitied while the other organism is harmed.

S&EP:SP6:Construction Explanations And Designing Conclusions
We have to construct a brochure to show that our animal of choice (Asian Toger Mosquito)  should be removed from the US because it's causing environmental problems and the fact is that the Asian tiger Mosquito transfers many different types of diseases to humans and animals causing the disease to spread when a animal consumes the animal intoxicated with the disease. This makes the environment go all wrong and every animal begins to either under populate or over populate due to a animal that is not supposed to be in that environment. So we have to design conclusions on how to get rid of this animal and we have to construct our explanation to pursuance people that we are correct.

XCC: Cause & Effect:  Basically the environment is all about cause and effect. When a organism that does not belong to a certain area gets transported there somehow that causes the new area it in to go crazy and messed up. This is because it will start consuming others food leaving less food. Then when it starts to replicate the issue will just grow more depending on the type of organism. So another example of cause and effect is the food chain. If we have to many wolfs they will eat tons of bunnies leading to the increase of grass and decline of bunnies. Once all the bunnies are gone the wolves will start to die off without any food. Causing the consumers of the wolves to die them everything just collapses.