Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Asian TIger Mosquito Project 2/8/17

Summary:  The Asian Tiger Mosquito is a well know species around the east coast area due to its deadly bite and white and black color . The asian tiger mosquito is most know for the deadly disease that it carries which is called  the chikungunya fever .The Asian Tiger Mosquito is also an invasive species. An invasive species is a type of animal or plant that is transported somehow to a new environment that it does not belong to, causing environmental harm and unhealthiness.

Backward looking: I knew that the invasive species are species that are somehow transferred to a new area where they don't belong causing havoc in the area. But i never knew that the Asian Tiger Mosquito was a Invasive species. I didn't know that invasive species were so harmful towards the environment.

Inward Looking: One thing I found frustrating was that I was the one that had to do most of the work. Because at the last minute I didn't have the brochure printed out. And I felt like I could have managed my time at home despite my busy schedule and I could have maybe spent more time on this project.

Outward Looking:  I would give my project a B+ just because I knew that my project didnt meet the full required fields that we needed and what the rubric said. So maybe if we read the rubric a little more our project would have been a A with full credit. But for us the lack of reading the rubric brought us down.

Forward Looking:   One thing I would like to improve upon is Time management because we we scrambling to finished up our project during the last few days and I feel like we missed a couple of things that the rubric required. And in the future I wish to be more on top of my work and to pay more closer attention to the rubric.

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