Saturday, May 6, 2017

pH Levels And Color Change 5/6/17
 Summary: Acids and Bases are measured a pH scale. The scale ranges from 0 to 14. 0 meaning the most acidic and 14 meaning the substance is a base. If the substance is at 7 on the pH scale that means it is neutral. An example of a natural substance is pure water. If a substance is from 0 to 6 on the pH scale that means its a acid. If the substance is 8 through 14 then that means that it is a base. A powerful acid scales from 0 to 3 while a powerful base scales from 11 to 14. To test the level of acidity of a substance you must perform a Litmus Test. A Litmus Test requires a piece of Litmus Paper and the substance you want to find the level of acidity for. Once you have both the Litmus Paper and your substance of choice you will dip the Litmus paper into the substance, the Litmus Paper will turn a different color depending on the acidity level. After checking the color use the pH scale to calculate the acidity of your substance.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
I conducted an experiment where we used neutral cabbage juice and added 2 different solutions to change the acidity and make the substance more concentrated. When the cabbage juice became more acidic it went form a purple (cabbage juice) to a light pink to a darker pink and it inched closer and closer to red. The other solution made the substance a base as it went from purple to a dark green to a lighter green. We compared the different colors of the substance to a pH scale to see what level it was after we put each of the substances in.

XCC:Cause & Effect: When it comes to substances and pH levels anything can happen. If you add something to a substance that makes it more acidic the Litmus paper will turn either a dark shade of pink or purple to a light red meaning the substance becomes acidic. If we add a substance that is more base like to the solution then we will have our Litmus paper turn a dark green or a lime color.  Depending on the acidity of the substance the Litmus paper will turn a certain color reflecting the acidity of said substance. Its the same thing with a substance that is more concentrated and acidic. Something that is very concentrated and acidic could remove rust or it could act like bleach. Both rust removing liquids and bleach are high in acidity levels.

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