Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Era Report - Mesozoic Era - WAC

The Mesozoic Era ranged from 245 MYA to 65 MYA. After the Mesozoic Era passed on the paleozoic era aroused. And before the Mesozoic Era was the Cenozoic era.The mesazoic era was divided into 3 different time periods. The first one was the Triassic period hen life outside the oceans started to diversty. The period after that was the Jurrastic period were the dinsaurs took our most of the land. Lastly the Cretaceuos period took place with the mass exctinction ending the Mesozoic era.

The climate during the mesazoic era was warmer, the seasons were more mild than they are today and the sea levels were much higher than they are now. There was also no polar ice. No glacial condition were not present during this era. It was very warm during this era. The super continet pangea started to drift apart forming the worlds oceans in between. Another big geological event was the major mountain building in north & south america.  Granitic Batholiths formed what is now the sierra nevada.The super continet "Pangea" was still intact for a bit during the Mesazoic era. After that, Pangea started to drift apart little by little.Motsly dinosaurs lived during this ear. Some of the first mammals were small omnivores. Fishes sahrks and marinereptiles such as the plesisaurs,ichthyosours, and the nothosours swam through the mesazoic seas.

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