Saturday, November 11, 2017

Biological Classification 11/11/17

Abstract Word Cloud For Biological Classification With Related ...
Summary: When you say the word species, in latin it means "kind". In 1753 Linnaeus first proposed the system for classifying organisms. Tetrapods are organisms with four limbs with moveable joints surrounded by muscle. Birds and Crocodiles are related because they both have a muscular part of the stomach called the gizzard. The protein that all animals have in common is Collagen Protein. Humans are classified into the Mammals group. The eukaryotes have one structure in their cells called the Nucleus.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data: We did a game in which we compared the different bones to see which animal is closely related to the T-Rex. The caiman ( small alligator thing ) and the parrot were the last animals to closely relate to the T-Rex. What won out was Parrot because it had almost everything the T-Rex had. It was the same with the caiman except it has heels while the parrot and T-Rex do not.

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