Sunday, February 18, 2018

Roller Coaster Project - 2/18/18

Acceleration is a change in velocity over a certain time period. Vectors are quantities that are completely described by both direction and a magnitude and a Scalar is only fully described by a Magnitude such as a numerical value. Speed is the amount of distance an object covers in an specific amount of time. Speed can be found when you divide the distance traveled by time. A force is a sudden push or pull that results from another object. Potential energy is stored energy of placement possessed by a certain object.

 I didnt know anything about physics until we learned about it in class, the only thing i knew was that we were going to build a rollercoaster because last years 8th grade class did the same project when they were in 8th grade. The closest thing i got to learning physics was learning about gravity from a documentary on TV.
I feel very happy with my work because we put a lot of effort into it and our creativity juices were flowing. I love our loop because it works perfectly fine and its mid drop which makes it cooler. I didn't like how ugly the cardboard looked while supporting out dowel. It just looked really out of place. I enjoyed building it because at time the hot glue would burn through our tubing and we would have to redo the process over and over again.
I would give my project a A+ mainly because my groups rollercoaster was neatly done and we followed everything the rubric said to do. Our rollercoaster was put together by using hot glue which didn't show out like the tape did . So our roller coaster was perfectly smooth, both inside and out. And our labels were taped onto the side of our roller coaster to make the structure neater and less messy. And our
One goal I want to set for myself is to probably organize out what day I would do this and that. I say this because I feel like my group was kind of rushed. My group was kind of rushed because we would be springing from one place to the other place doing work. But the thing is we would leave our remaining work like 80% done while starting another part of the project. So for future projects I would want to make a calendar to stay on track and to keep myself on task and focus.

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