Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sound Project Blog - 4/12/18

Our project consisted of us having to create a "One Man Band" worthy instrument. The instrument had to include a percussion, wind section and string instrument. Each different section on the instrument had to play 3 different notes. And the instrument had to be originally thought out and made from scratch using pieces from the maker lab or home. What I did for my string portion was stretch out rubber bands using thumbtacks on the side of a cardboard box. For the wind portion I got plastic straws and lined them up depending on height. And for the percussion part I used a wooden block to tap on the wind portion and different sides of the box for different noises.

I knew a decent amount of things before this unit on sound started.Amplitude is the length from inside of the wave. Its a line that goes from the base line to the inside of the crest. A wavelength is the length in between crests from wave top to wave top. Sound waves are similar to ocean waves,radio waves and even microwaves. They are all waves of energy, traveling through solids or space.

I feel proud about this piece of work expect for the fact that I completely left my percussion part to the last minute. So my only other option was a wooden block to hit the block in different places. And in my opinion thats pretty plain and boring. But one thing I enjoyed was that we got to use our creativity to make a instrument that we thought of.  I also liked the fact that we did multiple re touches to our instrument every time we learned something new about sound waves.

Yes in a way I did because many other people used boxes and attached rubber bands for strings. Its the same when it comes to the little straws that you blow into. One thing I did differently is probably just using a wooden block as my "percussion". And tapping different places of my box with said wooden block. The process was similar because we had to revise the instrument every time we did a lab on sound waves to make it more legitimate and interesting.

One thing I would definitely change is my percussion pieces. I would probably prefer to put 3 little glass jugs and fill them up with different amounts of water and hit them so it would make a different sound. Since my percussion part was completely gone I figured this would be better since it was part of one of our labs that we did on the sound wave unit. And since the amount of water inside of a jug changes the way it sounds, that would make it super easy to create the percussion section.

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