Thursday, December 18, 2014

Severe Weather Project reflection Blog

Dec 18, 2014 10:27:31 PM.jpg  Severe Weather Project reflection Blog 

I learned that a hail storm could happen wherever there is thunderstorms.and I also learned that it could give you frostbite and hypothermia.

The resources I use were weatherwizkids. I also used but i really just used both.Because they were both really useful to help me.

I liked my work even though it was a little hard to figure out how to print trading cards from Google. But i am proud with my work because i put so much into it.    I also put my creativity for my project.

I would give myself a Att because I liked how i did my work.And i put all my time into it literally.
And I really think I deserve it, because I have very good facts and I followed the directions.

One goal I want  to achieve is to try to not do every thing at the last minute. Also I want to improve on my way I express myself in my work.And then anymore things I feel like its okay.


Thursday, December 11, 2014

12/12 Severe weather

Severe Weather  

 I learned that some severe weather could be very hard to prepare for .Also I learned that severe weather could be capable to destroy even the strongest buildings,and in some places rain could cause really bad floods,hurricanes could topple house down and blow trees of the ground.

I have not not learned about severe weather in my old school.But I only estimated on what severe weather was.Severe weather was not really a topic at my old school.

 Some frustrating work that I am still trying to do is severe weather trading cards. When I saved my card It would always erase the next day.But I know I will figure my problem out soon.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Edheads Quiz corretions

On number 5 I chose
on top of the mountain but the correct answer was at the beach,it is at the beach because there is less pressure at the top of the mountain because the higher you go the thinner the air is.

On number 8 I chose North to South but it was
West to east because in the picture because the air goes west to east which means
→← in the united states.

On number 13 I chose letter C but the answer was A because in the picture it was high up which meant a better chance of rain.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

12/5 The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle

I learned new words like         Condensation,Evaporation.Precipitation,Transpiration,Subsurface, and Accumulation.I also learned that Runoff is underground Runoff.All the water cycle was very interesting I learned that runoff ends up in the ocean.

At my old school I only learned that the water turned to water vapor and the went up into the sky.But never the words Condensation,Evaporation.Precipitation,Transpiration,Subsurface, and Accumulation.My old school never told us about how Condensation makes clouds form.

I felt proud of my work because I took my time and did my homework so I am very satisfied.I also liked the project we did because I felt very happy and content with my water cycle cartoon.Because I used my brain and put my mind to my work.