Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weekly Blog 3/27

I was doing a series circuit with my partner and the paper said we had to make our own circuit and I made the circuit with my partner and I made it and I thought it would work but two lit up and one was left blank,no light at all.Its surprising because It fought the circuit would go through perfectly but  it did not.I can learn from this surprise that I should alway be happy I guessed than not guessed at all,and I also learned that the way something looks is not the way its actually going to come out the way I think it is.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/20 - Build the Best Electromagnet

To build the best electromagnet we need to have a wire,battery and some Iron fillings.And we need the battery to be connected to the wire and the iron fillings to be the thing that gets picked up by the magnetic circuit.It will work because the wire is connected to the battery and the battery now has the power to pick up the iron fillings but if the wire is not held where it supposed  to be held it might not work.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Weekly Blog 3/13

I was surprised when we were doing our experiment I thought the 5th time was going to be 18 and when we put 5 magnets it came out to be 19.I was surprised because the other times we tried it,the experiments results were going up every time by 3's.
SummaryThis week we did 2 experiments about magnetism.I learned that North and South poles facing each other they attract and North and North or South and South Repel.I learned this in both our experiments.

Backward-Looking: I only knew one thing about magnetism not that exciting but some magnet sides don't go together.I did not know about the North and South pole I just knew that the same sides never connected.
I feel happy about my work this week because I paid attention and I did things right.And the parts I disliked was that the experiments had patience in it and I was not very patient so I just stuck with waiting.
I sort of did the same thing as other people.Because we had to have the same instructions and my team had different types of strategies.Unlike the other tables they all had different strategies.
Forward-Looking:  A goal I am going to set for next week is to do different types of strategies in our experiments because I want my team to do something way different from the other tables.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/06

The thing that I got a element that came from my parents country,Bolivia and the element was Pyrite and it said it came from Peru.But after a little bit of research I found out that it came from Bolivia,Peru and other places in south america.
Summary All week we have been working on a project call The pet Mineral project.What we have to do is we have to chose a mineral or we get assigned one.(I got assigned one).And we have to finds facts about it and then create a page on the website called Jilster.

Backward-Looking: The problems I encountered was the text i was treeing over and over to find a good text color so it was readable.And so I looked for a dark and light color and Finally found the perfect color,Pink.And the pink really stood out and i decided to use it.  !PINK!

Inward-Looking:  I was proud of my work this week,Because I had all my page filled and it was complete with paragraphs and all.So the parts i disliked was that i kept on sometimes forgetting my commas.
I want them to notice how hard i worked on this project.And i want them to know about the mineral I studied.And what i especially want them to notice is the facts and paragraphs.
One thing i would like to improve on is my punctuation,and a little bit of my grammar,and last the run on sentences.The run on sentences are what get the reader tired out of reading and it does not let the take a break to breath.