Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/06

The thing that I got a element that came from my parents country,Bolivia and the element was Pyrite and it said it came from Peru.But after a little bit of research I found out that it came from Bolivia,Peru and other places in south america.
Summary All week we have been working on a project call The pet Mineral project.What we have to do is we have to chose a mineral or we get assigned one.(I got assigned one).And we have to finds facts about it and then create a page on the website called Jilster.

Backward-Looking: The problems I encountered was the text i was treeing over and over to find a good text color so it was readable.And so I looked for a dark and light color and Finally found the perfect color,Pink.And the pink really stood out and i decided to use it.  !PINK!

Inward-Looking:  I was proud of my work this week,Because I had all my page filled and it was complete with paragraphs and all.So the parts i disliked was that i kept on sometimes forgetting my commas.
I want them to notice how hard i worked on this project.And i want them to know about the mineral I studied.And what i especially want them to notice is the facts and paragraphs.
One thing i would like to improve on is my punctuation,and a little bit of my grammar,and last the run on sentences.The run on sentences are what get the reader tired out of reading and it does not let the take a break to breath.

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