Thursday, September 24, 2015

Weekly Blog 9/21-9/25
This week we worked on the layers of the earth foldable and the continents.The foldable was about the layers of the earth we had to color the layers each a certain color and then label them. Then we had a contents sheet of paper and we had to color in the same plants or animals the same color(ex:crocodile colored blue other crocodiles are blue).Then we had to cut it out and glue them together.

SP2: Developing and using models
We made two drawing and cut them out because the earth foldable was a drawing that was going to be cut out.And the continents was a drawing slash puzzle because we had to color it sort of draw the cut it out and then match up the pieces.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/14-09/18

This week we did a rock cycle cartoon to show what we know about the rock cycle. We had to include good illustrations and no sloppiness. We also had to add some vocabulary word such as cooling,metamorphic,sedimentary,heat and pressure. And to know what our journey was our teacher named our table different places like cloud and rivers. And we would start out at our table and roll a dice that would tell us where we would go. Then the next day we would have to make a cartoon about it.
SP2: Developing and using models
As you read this week we made a rock cycle cartoon that was a drawing that we used to describe the rock cycle.But we also made a Paper Maché volcano after which is going to be used to be exploded on monday or something!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/07-09/11

                                      Weekly Blog 09/07-09/11

This week I worked on a Scientific Method Comic Strip.And what we had to do was make a comic strip about our version of the scientific method. Or it could be a science experiment that goes through the steps of the scientific method. Mine was a salt and sugar race based on a experiment I did. And I did a 7 strip comic.
I did not know much about the project the only thing I knew was drawing the comics and cutting squares. Things I knew about the experiment was that sugar was smaller and that salt was a little bigger. But surprisingly the Comics strip came easily because I thought that the description had to be super precise. But it had to be just a description.
I felt proud about my description on my comic because it explained what was happening in my illustration. And something I did not like was some of my drawings. Some of them were sort of weird and the people in my drawings had lopsided heads!
If I were a teacher I would give this a A. Because the description is exactly explaining what the picture is. And the squares are cut out nice and neatly with just small slants. Also the colors are not scribbled on its simply colored nice and neat.
One thing I would like to improve on is the drawings because sometimes the drawings are sort of lopsided.But the way the textures are done is sort of weird for my drawing but I like to try new things.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Weekly Blog 08/31-09/06

I learned that salt can dissolve faster in water than sugar. In each bottle I used about 100 milliliters of water and about half a spoon full of salt and sugar. And I mixed the salt and sugar at the same pace. Then once it all dissolved I would make a data table and set it up and record the times for both salt and sugar.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information:
This week I completed the experiment and the experiment went like this.First we had a question "does salt dissolve faster than sugar?"
Secondly we came up with a hypothesis and said probably sugar because its more lighter in weight than salt and it comes in smaller chances than salt. Then we tested it and we put the salt and sugar in at the same time and we stirred it at the right pace.Last we put our data together and we concluded that salt dissolves faster than sugar in water.