Thursday, October 29, 2015

Weekly Blog 1012/1018
The most places prone to wildfires is California,Texas,Oregon,Idaho,Florida and Washington. Also 4 out of 5 wildfires are caused by human carelessness.Wildfires tend to spread quickly and fast because the wind.A hurricane is created in 5 different steps. Step One, a hurricane needs ocean water as warm as 80 degrees fahrenheit which provide more energy for the hurricane. Step 2, winds come together forcing air upwards. Step 3, Winds flow out once they reach the top of the storm allowing the air below to rise. Step 4, Air that is humid rises forming the storm clouds. Step 5, Light winds outside the hurricane guide it and let it grow bigger and bigger.

SP 8
I was finding information about various natural disasters on a worksheet.And we had to find out the geographic occurrence,where it is prone to be,and we had to explain what it is and I worked with a partner and we inferred about what should go in what.Because our teacher has to approve it so we can move on to the next one.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

1018/1025 Plate Techtonic Project Blog

We had to do a project based on Volcanos and Tectonic Plates.We got to choose a volcano to make a IGNITE presentation for it. And then answer certain questions.I chose the volcano Popocatepetl.

I didn't know very much about the volcano I chose.But then I do know about volcanos. And I chose the volcano that I did not know nothing about because I wanted to be challenged.

I felt proud of my work because my other team member and I put lots of effort into it.I like the presentation because it was just like a IGNITE presentation should be.But on the other hand the model just looked well ehhh so thats the part I dislike because it just did not look that right it was not wide like the picture is.

I want them to notice that I've put lots of effort in this and so has my partner.So i want them to notice the hard work not only i've done but my partner also because we've worked a looooong time on this.Forward-Looking:
What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
I would change the model because we ran out of clay and our thing was to put one big flower pot at the bottom and out a smaller one on top.But we had no more clay and it was our las t building day so we just took the small one and did it.But the paint was sort of poor.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Weekly Blog 1012/1018

Summary:I learned that the plates involved in Popocatépetl are the north american plate and the cocos plate and that the cocos plate is subducting under the north american.Also the type of boundary is the Convergent plate boundary. Popocatépetl is located in Puebla,Mexico and is the most active volcano in Mexico.The Aztecs named Popocatépetl that name because it meant smoking mountain.

Sp2:Developing and using models.
I constructed my Popocatépetl model to represent the shape of the volcano and how it would look.I redid it as I learned more about it I because I made it skinny.But then I learned it was wide not skinny so redid it.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Weekly Blog 1005/1011

The earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago by debris from the construction of the sun. Granite was the type of rock that formed the first continents.The tectonic plates Alfred Wegener discovered float on the mantle. Heat escaping the core creates a convection current on the next layer called the mantle in which the tectonic plates float on.And lastly the worlds last supercontinent is called Pangea.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information
I obtained my information when the class watched a informational science movie. And I wrote down all the notes that I could find or hear.I also wrote down scientific words that could help me in ways or just to learn more vocabulary.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Weekly Blog 9/28-10/2

There are many types of boundaries that I learned this week such as a Divergent Boundary which has a plate that spreads apart from it,A Convergent Boundary which makes the plates hit each other,and a Transformation Boundary which just makes plates slip past each other. And we also blew our paper maćhe volcanos.We also had to know that viscosity can be affected by composition and that the more heat there is the less viscous there will be.There a volcanos called shield volcanos.And they get their name because they are not pointy like other volcanos they have a half circle popping out of the ground ready to explode.

SP2: Developing and using models
constructed a paper maćhe volcano and I blew it up to learn more about the silica,viscosity and how they are made. And the volcano was not a shield volcano it was a pointy one. I blew up the volcano 3 times and the third volcano came down quickly and hit the bottom after 5 seconds.And the number 2 went slow moving to the bottom in 12 seconds.