Thursday, October 29, 2015

Weekly Blog 1012/1018
The most places prone to wildfires is California,Texas,Oregon,Idaho,Florida and Washington. Also 4 out of 5 wildfires are caused by human carelessness.Wildfires tend to spread quickly and fast because the wind.A hurricane is created in 5 different steps. Step One, a hurricane needs ocean water as warm as 80 degrees fahrenheit which provide more energy for the hurricane. Step 2, winds come together forcing air upwards. Step 3, Winds flow out once they reach the top of the storm allowing the air below to rise. Step 4, Air that is humid rises forming the storm clouds. Step 5, Light winds outside the hurricane guide it and let it grow bigger and bigger.

SP 8
I was finding information about various natural disasters on a worksheet.And we had to find out the geographic occurrence,where it is prone to be,and we had to explain what it is and I worked with a partner and we inferred about what should go in what.Because our teacher has to approve it so we can move on to the next one.

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