Sunday, November 8, 2015

Weekly Blog 1102/1108

I learned that earthquakes happen when underground rock suddenly breaks along a fault.And this make the ground shake.Places that this could most likely happen in are in Nevada and California.It happen in California because it is located fairly close to the San Andreas fault which slides across California.This form a plate tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. Lets say there is a 2.5 earthquake in California.But 4 months later a 3.5 earthquake comes. I know the every earthquake after the other one is ten times bigger so the 3.5 is 10 times bigger and more dangerous.

SP 8

I found this information because we had to get information from websites on worksheets.And we had to record this with a partner.We would both look at a website and the have a conversation on what to put down on the paper. And we figured out that most earthquakes are prone to happen in California and Nevada rather than any place else.

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