Friday, October 7, 2016

Cell Cycle 10/7/16
The Interphase the cell starts to grow and mature.The DNA doubles. During Phosphase the Nucleus disappears and the chromatin starts to condense and the spindle fiber forms between the centrids. In Metaphase the spindle fibers get connected to the chromosome while the move to the center of the cell.Anaphase is when the centromeres split and the spindle fibers pull the sister chomeotides to the opposite poles. Telophase is when the nuclear membrane begins to form and the cell start to split in two.Cytokinesis is when the cytoplasm and cell splits in two and two daughter cells form and one goes to one cell while the other goes to the other cell.This is called Mitosis or the Cell Cycle.
SP6:Constructing Explanations And Designing Solutions:
On a worksheet I attempted to explain the way Mitosis works and what it is. I said the Mitosis is the 6 step process the cell goes through to split in half or divide. The cell goes through these 6 steps rather quickly and its appearance changes very quickly (inside).The process goes in 6 phases like I said Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokenesis.
Stability And Change:
The change thats happening is the actual cell itself because its going through 6 phases which lead to the cell splitting in 2. The name of the 6 phases are Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase,Anaphase,Telophase,and Cytokenesis. All these phases lead to the cell splitting in two. This process can be called cell division,the cell cycle, or mitosis. Before anything the cell MUST copy DNA so the cell that is about to split doesn't receive only half of the DNA code.

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