Thursday, October 27, 2016

Immune System
Immune System

Function: The function of the immune system is to keep you health and safe. It does this by remembering the sicknesses you get so the next time they come to attack your bod, your body is able to fight it off.

Spleen: Old red blood cells get sent to the spleen to be recycled. In the mean time white blood cells are stored in the spleen. The Spleen can fight bacteria related to Pneumonia.
Bone Marrow: Bones marrow is where red blood cells are created and produced. The bone marrow is responsible for creating T cells. The bone marrow also creates the cells in body.
Thymus: The Thymus receives T cells that are not mature yet and train them to do their function. The T cells come from the bone marrow.
Lymph Nodes: Lymph Nodes act as filters. They filter germs that could potentially make you sick. Lymph Nodes include a small tunnel/channel system inside this small system the tunnels contain white blood cells.
Tonsils And Adenoids: The Tonsils and Adenoids have almost the same function. They are responsible for capturing and trapping viruses and bacteria.
Skin: The skin is the top layer of our body and its used to protect our bodies and our inside and tissues. It also help to prevent viruses and bacteria and other harmful things to your body.
Appendix: The appendix is very helpful towards your body because its full of a special bacteria that helps you digest your food. And if your body is under attack and some important bacteria gets extinguished the appendix will step in and can act as a replacement.

Interaction With Other Systems: 
The Immune System works with the circulatory system in order to transport lymphocytes.  And the pathways the circulatory system provides help the Immune System cells travel through your body quickly. The Immune System also works with the Digestive System because the appendix has the job of being able to digest food with a special type of bacteria.
My analogy is a library because thats how you Immune System is its like a library full of books each one containing a file of a sickness or germ that the Immune System defeated. This is so that when the sicknesses or germ comes back you and your Immune System will be able to fight it. These books with the germs "weaknesses" written on it helps when the real sickness/disease causing germ comes so we can fight it.
Structure And Function: 
Skin is designed to be the first guard of your body. The skins structure is very strong and thick this help your body stay safe and your inside intact. Only a very major and deep injury could pass through the skins structure. The main function for the skin is to protect your insides and be the first protecter to germs and outside materials. You skin is rough which makes it that only something sharp or a hard hit would actually make you bleed.

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