Thursday, February 9, 2017

Superhero Genetics Project 2/9/17

Summary: Genetics is what make up your body and how you look. You get your looks from your parents because they pass down their genes to you. An allele is one or two alternative forms of a gene. 99.5% of human genes are the same. DNA carries generic instruction for your body and how you are supposed to look. Our DNA is 3 meters long. There are 2 types of genes dominant and recessive. Dominant is obviously the greater allele and a recessive gene is a less greater allele.

SP2: Developing and using models: What I did was to create a poster and create an animated box. What the poster was about was that we have to put all the worksheets and drawings that we did on the whole project onto the poster. The animation box we had was to display our super hero and show that the superhero was like it was "flying". Then we also had to do multiple drawing of our superhero and their off-spring. We had to do a paper on epigenetic which was where we had to see if the choices our superhero made affected the off-spring. For example, if my superhero had a lot of junk food and didn't go outside to exercise then the off-spring would be overweight. And if the superhero drank lots of alcohol then the baby would have deformed lungs and trouble breathing.

Backward Looking - I knew some stuff about genetics before we started this unit but I didn't know much as I like a lot of detail like I did after this project. But our teacher did let us do some activities that would help us engage in the new project. I am really happy our teacher gave us almost 2 weeks to research stuff about genetics and mutations for our project because obviously without it I would have failed. But I did know things like the gene and characteristics, but I didn't know anything about the dominant and recessive alleles.

Inward Looking - I feel very proud about this work because I literally put my all into this project because we had to do a lot of work and I thought I would not be able to manage all this work. But surprisingly, I did and this caused be to be really on top of my A game for this project. And honestly, this is probably the best work I have done because there were so many different types of parts to it and that makes me have many different types of work that I am proud of. But one thing I am disappointed about is that my poster was a tad bit sloppy.

Outward Looking - Everyone in my class had to do this project. But the one thing that was unique was that we all got to choose our different superheroes and their powers. But other than that my class did the same thing pretty much and at some points we got to choose our own things. Such as our superiors offspring design and powers, our villains design, our villains superpower and our love story on how the superhero and husband met along with why the villain and superhero are enemies. Writing the stories was probably the most different thing we did because we all got to choose the special story for why our superhero and villain are enemies and how my superhero and partner met.

Forward Looking -  One thing I would like to improve upon is my neatness on my poster because my poster was the only thing that was last minute and I kind of had to throw it together. I didn't really have time to assemble the most neat poster because I also had my actual poster for the student exhibition night to do and that was very very very important. And I mean all the required things were on my poster, but the one thing was that bad was the everything was all rolled up and some of the parts that I needed to explain were very brief not as long and understanding.And my poster was very wrinkled because it was rolled up and put in my bag, but what can I say that's how my bag is; an eternal death hole.

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