Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Is It Healthier To Be A Omnivore or Vegetarian?

Is It Healthier To Be A Omnivore or Vegetarian?

Omnivore diets are more healthier because it provides your body with a diet that has a variety of foods that benefit you,your,body,and your life.  I know this because if you have a omnivore diet you are less likely to not have enough of calories,Vitamin B12,Iron, and Zinc. Vitamin B12 is essential for your body because it helps protect your nerves and brain, if your vegetarian you lose your Vitamin B12 because you don't have meat in your diet. I know this because SENCER stated it very clearly in their article. It also helps your brain and nerves function and it helps the red blood cells develop. According to SENCER meat helps improve your bone health.

My 1st reason is that when you are a vegetarian you don't eat meat. And when you don't eat meat you lose a very important Vitamin in your body. That Vitamin is Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is found in meat and helps and protects your brain and nerves. "Without meat in the diet humans cut out vitamin B12 and limit DHA/EPA (Active forms of omega-3 fats)" said SENCER. When your vegetarian you lose your Vitamin B12 which makes you vulnerable to sicknesses and disorders that include you brain and nerves which isn't so good.  When you don't eat meat you don't just lose Vitamin B12, you lose other key proteins, calories and more. Losing these proteins and calories sometimes can be unhealthy for your body.

My second reason why its better to be Omnivore is that Omnivores are less likely to fall short or things such as calories, zinc,Vitamin B12, and iron. These are all key things that your body needs to stay healthy but if you are a Vegetarian then you are unhealthy and are probably falling short of all these things right now.  "Also, eaters of any food are less likely to be (not having enough of something) intotal calories, Vitamin B12, proteins,iron and zinc than their vegetarian partners." Says SENCER. Meat contains all of these things but since Vegetarian's don't eat meat they are losing these things and their becoming unhealthy and more prone to diseases because the Vitamin B12 is connected to the brain and nerves because it helps your brain and nerves stay clear and function properly. Your brain and nerves are connected to the nervous system so if you lack Vitamin B12 your nervous system could be harmed or at risk of disease and disorders.

 A 3rd reason that you should be a Omnivore is because meat helps your bones stay healthy. And vegetarians don't consume meat meaning some of their bones are unhealthy and probably experience weakness in bones. The bones also begin cracking because of old age and this is caused by old age of the bones and a very scarce amount of proteins. "Another thing that protein is important for is bone health. The studies show that consumption of protein is related to increased bone density in old age and a lower risk of breaks/cracks. If you want to gain (or maintain) muscle, as well as prevent weakening bones/weak bones and breaks/cracks in old age, then the protein in meat can be helpful." Says Kris Gunnar's Of BSC.

You could argue that the vegetarians "live longer". But this myth or tell tale story is not true. This is because most vegetarians tend to be more "frantic" to eat healthy and tend to eat many nutritious foods to replace the proteins, calories, and vitamins they are missing out on. "Vegetarians do not live longer. This very old story/untrue story happens because vegetarians tend to be more health conscious overall, eating a more (eating lots of different healthy foods), exercising more, and smoking less than most people." Said ProCon.Org What ProCon.Org is trying to say is that most vegetarians are health conscious which means that they eat healthier because of their own health concerns. While on the other hand Omnivore just eat anything because they know that they have the appropriate amount of proteins, calories, and vitamins. The one weakness in being a Omnivore is that eating meat could possibly raise a risk for type 2 but eating nuts, soy proteins can help prevent type 2.

In conclusion being Omnivore is more healthier because Omnivore diets are less likely to not have enough Vitamin B12,Iron,Calories,Zinc or protein. Meat provides your bones with plenty of fresh proteins which makes your bones strong and healthy. Without meat to provide our body with lots of proteins The bones will begin cracking because of old age and a very scarce amount of proteins. Since Vitamin B12 is a very important vitamin the meat Omnivores eat is full of it but on the other hand Vegetarian diets don't have much vitamin B12.  This is why Omnivore diets are much more healthier that Vegetarian diets.

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