Monday, November 21, 2016

Human Body Redesign Project Blog

Human Body Redesign Project Blog

Summary: The problem with the skeletal system, is that it only protects your vital organs, and even though they do, there are holes. For example, the ribs, they protect the heart, even though they do, you still can’t survive a bullet or a knife to the heart. Most reasons why this happens is because the ribs have holes, this means that anything harmful like a blade or bullet, can get through. The original design was protecting the vital organs while still giving enough room to move and feel comfortable. It also helped to keep us up straight and helps us move.
Backward Looking: I knew a lot of things about the system I was redesigning. This is because our previous mini project we had to do very thorough research on every system in the human body and write and long blog about it and I did the skeletal system as my first blog and since it was my first one I did a good load of research to get my first research right and correct. This is how I know so much about the system I am redesigning.
Inward Looking: One thing I liked about my work is that this is one of the many projects that every single member pitched in and had a equal amount of work. One thing thing i would redo is our video because I thought we sounded a little monotone and bored and the video has some flaws so I wish we could have fixed the video a bit and the way our tone was.
Outward: Looking: One thing I would want people to notice about our project is that we put a lot of effort into trying to include all the required items to make it meet the teachers requirements.  My group put a lot of effort into this project and I want our project to look flawless so that people know that we did this project to show our effort and we didnt just slack off.
Forward Looking: One thing I would like to improve upon is our video. This is because our voices were monotone and almost lifeless sounding. And for a good presentation you have to show interest in your own topic and have a nice "alive" voice. Another thing I would like to improve upon is our video editing because our video had some flaws in it and and since we waited till the last minute to do our video we had to go through it quickly.This leads me to conclude with one final improvement. I think my group should have been on top of our work a little more because our video was almost at the verge of last minute.

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