Saturday, November 12, 2016

Ideas For Redesign 11/12/16

Ideas For Redesign 11/12/16

Summary: The original design of the skeletal system protected the vital organs and it was placed above several systems and it is under the muscular system and your skin. The form of it is around your vital organs and the function is to protect your vital organs and help your body stay together. It helps your body stay together because it if you didn’t have your bones then nothing would really be sturdy. We are focusing on areas that are weaker and exposed so that when you are hit in a certain areas you won’t get injured or even die. For example the ribs even though it’s not really exposed it has a big impact because it protects your lungs, but without them your lungs wouldn’t be protected and you would die. Another example would be the clavicle because there are some spots where you could be stabbed or impaled.

SP2 Developing And Using Models: We used many different models of skeletons of both humans and animals to compare the pros and cons of a animals skeleton to a humans skeleton. We tried to find some disadvantages in the skeletons we observed because our idea is to protect open space in the skeletal system. And to do this we need to compare and contrast the pros and cons between a human skeleton and different animal skeletons.
XCC Structure And Function:
We looked at different structures for animal skeletons and how they help and protect the animals insides. We also compared the amount of protection a animals skeleton provides for a animal compared to a human. The structure really helped us see the difference of protection. Function was also important because if we redesign something we need to see what the outcome has on the function.

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