Thursday, October 30, 2014

10/31 "Interdependence of Organisms - 2"

I learned that a food chain and a food web are almost the same.But a food chain shows what animals eat in a specific order.But a food web gives you a lots of animals that eats a specific animal like a mosquito gets eaten by a mouse and bird and a dragonfly.

 I have not done any of this food chain or food web at my old school.But now I know.I did know what they meant and things but not the actual process.

My goals were to get an A in my grade.But unfortunately I did not get what I hoped.But now I know I have to work harder to achieve my goal.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10/24 Interdependence of Organisms - 1

I learned that a food chain keeps everything alive.For example figs,monkeys,and eagles.the the fig gets energy from the sun but gets eaten by a monkey who is eaten by a eagle.

 In second grade we learned about the food chain and talked about the producers,consumers, and decomposer's.and till now I still remember the chain the plants and animals were in.we also talked about herbivores which eat plants.and carnivore which eats live animals.and a omnivore which eats everything.

I feel proud of my work and think I did a good job.I am confident about all my work I have done.I feel proud because I did not let anything stand in my way like tricky questions or quizzes.I disliked it because there were some downhills and uphills.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Nervous System
Nervous System

The Nervous system is responsible for sending messages throughout the body giving us the ability to move. Its also responsible for making us feel,sense things,think and move. It controls everything you do in your body and how you breathe

Brain: The brain is the most important piece of the nervous system.The brain is what controls your memory,planning your day,consciousness, and your voluntary actions. The brain also controls your digestion,heartbeat,respiration and blood pressure.
Spinal Cord: The spinal cord is what sends nerve signals to the brain and throughout the body.  It helps with your reflexes and senses. 
Nerves: Nerves are responsible for carrying messages to and from the brain to the rest of the body.  They send messages and signals so that your are able to think and move.
Sensory Organ's: The bodys sensory organs - eyes,ears,tongue,nose and skin. They help to protect your body.They also help with giving messages to specific places in the body.

Interaction With Other Systems: The nervous system is interacting with the all the systems in the body because just the way the cells need oxygen the rest of your body needs instructions and directions. But there is a very strong connection between the Nervous system and the muscular system also because to move the Muscular system needs instruction and directions to move and the instructions and directions come form the Nervous system.
My analogy is coding because the nervous system is giving the rest of the body messages, signals, instructions, and directions. This is exactly what coding does it sends out messages to the CPU which send that message to places in the computer to function.  When typing the code you think about what you want the code to do just like we think when we want to move. Next you put the code in. This code goes throughout the computer to the right and appropriate area. This function is like how the neurons travel through the spinal cord to find the right place to deliver the message to move.
Structure And Function:
The spinal cord looks just like a wire connected to your brain.This is partially true but the spinal cord is connected to your brain because its there to send messages throughout the body as direction and instructions on what to do. The reason the spinal cord is connected to your brain is probably so the spinal cord can reach anyplace in your body. But if the cord is fractured anything under where the fracture is will be motionless or in other words - Paralyzed. The structure of the spinal cord really help it send messages throughout the whole body so the body can know what to do and when to do it.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Urinary System
 Urinary System

Function: Its job is to get rid of waste for your body. The body gets rid of liquid/soluble waste. The urinary system lets you get rid of waste that you don't need through your kidneys.The kidneys filter the blood to remove wastes and produce urine. Urine gets stored in the bladder and then let out through the urethra.

Kidneys: The kidneys are the starting point of the urinary system. They filter blood to get the waste out. The kidneys are located inside the rib cage and are about the size of your fist.
Ureters:  The Ureters are responsible for taking urine to the bladder for storage. They ureters are two small tubes connected to your kidney and bladder.
Bladder:  The bladders job is to hold the waste/urine until you feel its time to go to the bathroom. The bladder is connected right to the ureters.
Urethra: The Urethra is the organ that carries urine out of the bladder when you need to go to the bathroom. The urethra is what makes your pee go out. This happens when the bladder contracts and the pee from the bladder goes into the urethra then out.
Interactions With Other Systems:
The urinary system interacts with the circulatory system because the blood gets filtered at the kidneys so that the waste gets taken away through the ureters and to the bladder then out the urethra. Urea,uric,acid and water gets taken out of the blood and gets sent out to the bladder. Most of the water the blood contains stays with the blood.

Shower System:
The urinary system is like a shower system because before the water gets to your its filtered. This is exactly what  the kidneys do they filter blood to get the urine. Then it goes into the pipes to get delivered. This function is just like the Ureters which leads the urine down to the bladder for storage. When the pipes bring the filtered water to the storage for water. Then when you want to take a shower the water comes out. This is just like the Bladder contracting causing your urine to come out.
Structure And Function:
The structure of the Ureters are just like their function because if you look at it closely the ureters are little rods that look like they are supposed to be transporting something. Which in reality they are transporting something.  They transport the urine that was filtered from the kidneys to the bladder. The Ureters are the mode of transportation for the urine from the kidney to the bladder. Then after the bladder is responsible for the rest of the process. Sources:

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Skeletal System
Skeletal System:
Body System Function: The skeleton is a framework of bones that protect your vital organs. The bones are hollow to let us move around easily. Inside the hollow is a liquid called Marrow which is said to produce our bodies blood cells. Bones have 3 role in keeping you healthy and alive they create blood cells,allow you to move, and the protect your vital organs. When You consume calcium your bone get stronger because they are made up of calcium.

Organs: There is a bone called Axial Bones the are meant to keep you up right and standing. Appendicular Bone's let you move freely with ease. Joints are what connect bones your bones together. Ossicles are the smallest bones in your body and there are 3 found inside your ear. Cartilage is a strong tissue that holds your bones together. The Tendons are strong and tough pieces of tissue that attach your bones and hold the together.

Interaction With Other Systems:  The skeletal system teams up with the circulatory system in the process of making blood cells and transporting blood. This is because the insides of the skeleton are hollow so inside the hollow of the bones is a jelly substance called Marrow which is responsible of creating your blood cells.
Analogy Explanation:
This picture of a house is like the skeletal system because if you think hard the framework of the house can be like a skeleton. The walls of the house act as Axial Bones that keep you upright and standing straight without the walls the whole house would be rubble just like we would be without our axial bones. Appendicular Bones would be the door and window hinges which let the door and windows open up just like appendicular bones let us move smoothly. Joints would be the corners of the wall and the roof which connect all the house together just like the joints connect our bones with ball and socket joints.

Structure and Function:
Bones are designed straight to keep us balanced so we don't have wiggly arms or legs. The bones in our skeleton don't fall apart because they are held together by a strong tissue called Ligaments.   The way the bones are designed its meant to keep us standing tall by holding us up with the axial bones. In the mean time the bones are meant to be straight so we can stay straight because if our bones in our arms were able to be wiggly it would be pretty difficult to  move you arms around. The structure of the bones gives us the ability to move and stay upright.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Muscular System

Muscular System

Function: The Muscular System helps your muscles move. This is the system that makes you move and run. You don't totally have all control over this system you have control over things such as your arms,legs, neck etc. But what you don't have control over is the heart and smooth muscle.
Smooth Muscle: This muscle has another name called the visceral. This muscle can be found inside blood vessels,your stomach and intestine.
Skeletal Muscle: This muscle is found all over the body and is fully responsible for your movement such as running and walking. The skeletal muscles are what allow you to move.
Cardiac Muscle: Cardiac Muscle is found in the heart. The cardiac muscle can only be found inside the heart. The cardiac muscle is part of the process that the heart takes to pump blood.
Interaction With Other Systems: The muscular system is interacting with the nervous system because to get our skeletal muscles to move we have to send a message through our spinal cords telling the nervous system we are going to move.  The neurons in the nervous system are connected to many organs in the Muscular System.
Analogy: My analogy is a assembly line because everyone in the assembly line has different jobs just like the different organs in the Muscular System. Since this is the Muscular System this means that the different function such as walking,running, and more things that make you move your Muscles. The people in the assembly line making the product could  The conveyer belt would be considered skeletal muscle because if you look at it you know its responsible for your movements and it doesn't stop moving just like yourself and the conveyer belt.

Structure And Function:
The Ribcage looks like a chest plate. In reality it really is a chest plate to protect your soft organs and insides. Its a big chest plate of piece of armor to protect most importantly the heart. The structure of the Ribcage causes it to be stiff and sturdy so that the inside are safely protected.This is because your inside are very soft and delicate and if they get harmed it could harm just your body or you in particular. Your heart is surrounded by the ribcage because its your most valuable organ and if it gets harmed you could possibly die.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Digestive system

Function: The digestive system breaks down food for us to swallow our food and get rid of what we don't need in our body.  This system is responsible for the breaking down and absorption of salt and water from food we eat.

Mouth: The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system. Once you eat something the system immediately starts digesting something by our saliva which contains enzymes which starts digesting your food.
Esophagus: The Esophagus is the tube that brings the food from your mouth to your stomach.
Stomach: The Stomach is where the food gets digested the gastric juices break down the food with the mix of acid and enzymes.
Small Intestine: There are more digestive juices stored in the small intestine for more digesting and breaking down. Some new digestive juices are bile. Bile is made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder until your body needs to use it.
Large Intestine: The large intestine absorbs the water and salt and once its done with the process. Anything that was not absorbed is called waste which comes out as urine of poo.

Interaction With Other Systems:
The Digestive System works with the circulatory system in the process of distributing absorbed nutrients throughout the body. This is because the circulatory system distributes blood and oxygen while the digestive system distributes absorbed nutrients and sorts waste.
Analogy: My analogy is a Trash And Recycling Center because its like the digestive system people dumb their garbage into the tubes and it slides into the main conveyer belt where they start sorting the garbage and recyclable stuff. This relates to the the process of us putting food in our mouth and then swallowing in causing it to go in to the esophagus or in this case the garbage tubes once its there then it goes to the main area the stomach while it digests and after it goes into the small intestine for more serious digesting until it moves to the conveyer belt for sorting or the large intestine. In this case we would be sorting the waste from the other stuff. Then once that process is done the waste gets thrown out. Just like normal garbage is token to landfills.
Structure And Function:
The mouth look exactly like its function. It basically speaks for itself. The mouth is the start of the digestive system and thats when you put food in your mouth to eat. Thats when your saliva and enzymes start to immediately digest your food. The mouth from looking at it its pretty obvious its going into your body.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Respiratory System
Respiratory System
Function: provides oxygen for your body and brings oxygen in and out of you body eliminating carbon dioxide,it works with the circulatory system.

Mouth: The mouth is one way your can breathe in air to go to the lungs.
Nose: The nose is also another example of something that you can breathe in and the air will go into the lungs.
Trachea/Wind Pipe: Your wind pipe also called the trachea creates mucus in your nose that prevents unwanted particles and fragments to get to your lungs and inside your body.
Lungs: The lungs is where the air is stored and held on to. Then red blood cells come to collect the oxygen to spread to the body. The lungs also help us get rid of the CO2 gases.
Pharynx: The pharynx allows the air you breath in to go to the lungs. So its technically a passage way the air takes to get from your mouth or nose to the lungs. The Pharynx is also a source for vocals. 
Interaction With Other Systems: The Respiratory System works with the Circulatory System. This is because when the bloods cells pass through the lungs they collect the oxygen so the red bloods cells can distribute it throughout the body. Another system the Respiratory System works with is the Digestive System because your mouth and Pharynx are used for eating and swallowing your food. Last but not least the Respiratory System contributes with the Nervous System because the Nervous System lets us open our mouths to eat and chew it also lets us smell with our nose.

Analogy: My analogy is a tree because a leaf on the tree acts as a mini lung because the leaf absorbs the oxygen and tosses the carbon dioxide away. The branches represent the bronchi that extends away like the bronchi with the voice box. The tree trunk resembles the  tree trunk because the tree trunk holds the tree up just like the trachea maintains the Respiratory System. The voice box would be the roots because the roots are connected to the trunk while the voice box is connected to the trachea.
Structure And Function: The trachea is a similar to the esophagus is design as a tube so that it can create mucus to catch and prevent any small things from going into you Respiratory System.The way the trachea is medium size is good so that air can flow through smoothly. The areas around the trachea also have mucus which obtains small debris from going into your System while at the same time preventing it from getting into your lungs. A sturdy bone always helps and in this case the bone hold the trachea up and prevents it from falling over.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Circulatory System

                                       Circulatory System

Function: The Circulatory System helps get the oxygen and blood you need to your body, It also helps get blood to your heart. Your Veins carry blood towards your heart while. And arteries carry blood away to transfer it somewhere else.  Arteries and veins are called blood vessels.  Blood vessels carry blood throughout your whole body.  Oxygen is required through your body so the blood transports oxygen by us consuming oxygen when we breathe in and then the heart pumps blood into your lungs so it can pick up the oxygen. Once that's happened the oxygenated blood leaves and separates throughout your body.

Heart - The heart pumps blood for the circulatory system to bring around the body. This organ has 4 different chambers. The heart never stops beating and pumping blood. The heart is the center of the circulatory system because thats where bloods starts to be pumped throughout the body.
Lung - Lungs are responsible for bringing oxygen to the body. The red blood cells traveling from the heart to the lungs pick up the oxygen. This happens so that the oxygenated red blood cells can bring oxygen and blood to the whole body.
Veins - The Veins are responsible for taking blood to the heart. So the blood returns to the heart and the circulatory system continues. This is the opposite of what the arteries do rather than taking the blood away from the heart.
Arteries - Arteries bring blood away from the heart. Rather than taking it to the heart like the veins the arteries take the blood and oxygenated red blood cells throughout the whole body. Arteries are responsible for the spread of blood and oxygen throughout the cells.
Capillaries - These are responsible for transferring dissolved gases and compounds. The capillaries are like little vessels. The walls of the capillaries are thin and small so that nutrients,carbon dioxide,glucose and waste products.

Interaction With Other Systems:
The Circulatory system works with the respiratory system because when you breathe in the oxygen you get oxygen in your lungs so that you will be able to have the red blood cells absorb the oxygen. And when the oxygen gets into the red blood cells you get oxygenated red blood cell which goes through the body delivering blood and oxygen.

My analogy is a water slide because its like the Circulatory system. Its like the Circulatory system because the water is continuously flowing like the heart and its blood and the people who get on act as the oxygenated blood cells as they travel through the maze of tunnels to the end of the slide. After the end of the slide it leads to a ladder where the kid can chose to go again. So its a continuous process. And then once another kid goes down the slide its as if more oxygenated blood cells are being transported.

Structure And Function:
The heart is the center of all the circulatory system. Because the heart is what pumps blood into the lungs so the red blood cells can absorb the oxygen and when this happened the red blood cells will become oxygenated. Once they are oxygenated they will take a long route through the body by travel of Veins and Arteries. Then it travels trhough the body spreading blood and oxygen. If the heart stop beating or stops doing its funtioni it could mean the end of the human and the system.
