Thursday, October 16, 2014

Urinary System
 Urinary System

Function: Its job is to get rid of waste for your body. The body gets rid of liquid/soluble waste. The urinary system lets you get rid of waste that you don't need through your kidneys.The kidneys filter the blood to remove wastes and produce urine. Urine gets stored in the bladder and then let out through the urethra.

Kidneys: The kidneys are the starting point of the urinary system. They filter blood to get the waste out. The kidneys are located inside the rib cage and are about the size of your fist.
Ureters:  The Ureters are responsible for taking urine to the bladder for storage. They ureters are two small tubes connected to your kidney and bladder.
Bladder:  The bladders job is to hold the waste/urine until you feel its time to go to the bathroom. The bladder is connected right to the ureters.
Urethra: The Urethra is the organ that carries urine out of the bladder when you need to go to the bathroom. The urethra is what makes your pee go out. This happens when the bladder contracts and the pee from the bladder goes into the urethra then out.
Interactions With Other Systems:
The urinary system interacts with the circulatory system because the blood gets filtered at the kidneys so that the waste gets taken away through the ureters and to the bladder then out the urethra. Urea,uric,acid and water gets taken out of the blood and gets sent out to the bladder. Most of the water the blood contains stays with the blood.

Shower System:
The urinary system is like a shower system because before the water gets to your its filtered. This is exactly what  the kidneys do they filter blood to get the urine. Then it goes into the pipes to get delivered. This function is just like the Ureters which leads the urine down to the bladder for storage. When the pipes bring the filtered water to the storage for water. Then when you want to take a shower the water comes out. This is just like the Bladder contracting causing your urine to come out.
Structure And Function:
The structure of the Ureters are just like their function because if you look at it closely the ureters are little rods that look like they are supposed to be transporting something. Which in reality they are transporting something.  They transport the urine that was filtered from the kidneys to the bladder. The Ureters are the mode of transportation for the urine from the kidney to the bladder. Then after the bladder is responsible for the rest of the process. Sources:

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