Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Digestive system

Function: The digestive system breaks down food for us to swallow our food and get rid of what we don't need in our body.  This system is responsible for the breaking down and absorption of salt and water from food we eat.

Mouth: The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system. Once you eat something the system immediately starts digesting something by our saliva which contains enzymes which starts digesting your food.
Esophagus: The Esophagus is the tube that brings the food from your mouth to your stomach.
Stomach: The Stomach is where the food gets digested the gastric juices break down the food with the mix of acid and enzymes.
Small Intestine: There are more digestive juices stored in the small intestine for more digesting and breaking down. Some new digestive juices are bile. Bile is made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder until your body needs to use it.
Large Intestine: The large intestine absorbs the water and salt and once its done with the process. Anything that was not absorbed is called waste which comes out as urine of poo.

Interaction With Other Systems:
The Digestive System works with the circulatory system in the process of distributing absorbed nutrients throughout the body. This is because the circulatory system distributes blood and oxygen while the digestive system distributes absorbed nutrients and sorts waste.
Analogy: My analogy is a Trash And Recycling Center because its like the digestive system people dumb their garbage into the tubes and it slides into the main conveyer belt where they start sorting the garbage and recyclable stuff. This relates to the the process of us putting food in our mouth and then swallowing in causing it to go in to the esophagus or in this case the garbage tubes once its there then it goes to the main area the stomach while it digests and after it goes into the small intestine for more serious digesting until it moves to the conveyer belt for sorting or the large intestine. In this case we would be sorting the waste from the other stuff. Then once that process is done the waste gets thrown out. Just like normal garbage is token to landfills.
Structure And Function:
The mouth look exactly like its function. It basically speaks for itself. The mouth is the start of the digestive system and thats when you put food in your mouth to eat. Thats when your saliva and enzymes start to immediately digest your food. The mouth from looking at it its pretty obvious its going into your body.

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