Friday, October 17, 2014

Nervous System
Nervous System

The Nervous system is responsible for sending messages throughout the body giving us the ability to move. Its also responsible for making us feel,sense things,think and move. It controls everything you do in your body and how you breathe

Brain: The brain is the most important piece of the nervous system.The brain is what controls your memory,planning your day,consciousness, and your voluntary actions. The brain also controls your digestion,heartbeat,respiration and blood pressure.
Spinal Cord: The spinal cord is what sends nerve signals to the brain and throughout the body.  It helps with your reflexes and senses. 
Nerves: Nerves are responsible for carrying messages to and from the brain to the rest of the body.  They send messages and signals so that your are able to think and move.
Sensory Organ's: The bodys sensory organs - eyes,ears,tongue,nose and skin. They help to protect your body.They also help with giving messages to specific places in the body.

Interaction With Other Systems: The nervous system is interacting with the all the systems in the body because just the way the cells need oxygen the rest of your body needs instructions and directions. But there is a very strong connection between the Nervous system and the muscular system also because to move the Muscular system needs instruction and directions to move and the instructions and directions come form the Nervous system.
My analogy is coding because the nervous system is giving the rest of the body messages, signals, instructions, and directions. This is exactly what coding does it sends out messages to the CPU which send that message to places in the computer to function.  When typing the code you think about what you want the code to do just like we think when we want to move. Next you put the code in. This code goes throughout the computer to the right and appropriate area. This function is like how the neurons travel through the spinal cord to find the right place to deliver the message to move.
Structure And Function:
The spinal cord looks just like a wire connected to your brain.This is partially true but the spinal cord is connected to your brain because its there to send messages throughout the body as direction and instructions on what to do. The reason the spinal cord is connected to your brain is probably so the spinal cord can reach anyplace in your body. But if the cord is fractured anything under where the fracture is will be motionless or in other words - Paralyzed. The structure of the spinal cord really help it send messages throughout the whole body so the body can know what to do and when to do it.


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