Sunday, December 17, 2017

Charity Fair - 12/17/17

Summary -
Depression. Something no one should experience. But sadly there are teens that have depression or suicidal thoughts. For this years charity fair my group sold flower candles to raise funds so that no child or teen will be left alone in the dark again. Our charity is Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program. When people struggle with depression they feel they are always in the dark. We are making candles because they symbolizes how when someone is in the dark, something can light up that sad moment. Our candles would be that light.

Backward-Looking - I knew the whole run down because this is my fourth year of charity fair. The requirements were the same , but this year we had to make a campaign video as well as a calling card to lure people to donate to our charity . Another thing that was new was our mapping of where the products were bought and where they originated from. Other than that our statistics and our ignite presentation were still the same as the other 3 years.
Inward-Looking - I feel very proud about what we have done. My group honestly didn't think we were going to pull off the clear gel effect on our candles. We managed to get through the messes and confusion that the wax had given us. But one thing we could have done less of was make a huge mess around the kitchen.
Outward-Looking - I want people to see that this is a charity that I have lots of hope for because its a problem that close to me and I don't want any other teen or adult going through such a pain. I want people to see the effort my group put into our candles, I want them to see how much we truly care about raising funds for this charity.
Forward-Looking - One thing I would like to approve upon is our time management because we wouldn't really have time to finish our products and we would have to constantly be meeting up. And for our backboard my group would often forget to print paper , which didnt help as our deadlines approached quicker and quicker. And in the process of making our product we would sometimes waste up to an hour of trying to find an efficient way to remove the wax. Time management is definitely something that can be fixed to help my group thrive.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Motion - 12/10/17 Motion: Introduction
 Summary: Motion is physics.You decide if something is moving by using a reference point. A reference point is the point in which you are using to tell whether the person or thing is moving or not. If something is moving, then the distance between its reference point and itself is different than it was before. Distance is the scalar quantity in between two point while displacement is a VECTOR quantity and is the able to be defined by using a distance concept. The difference between Scalars & Vectors are that Vectors are quantities that are completely described by both direction and a magnitude while a Scalar is only fully described by a Magnitude such as a numerical value.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data: I used data from an experiment or small lab that we did in class to find the displacement and distance in the different steps and directions we walked. We also used the pythagorean theorem to help find the displacement in some of our steps. A pattern we noticed was that the distance was always bigger than the displacement.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Biological Classification 11/11/17

Abstract Word Cloud For Biological Classification With Related ...
Summary: When you say the word species, in latin it means "kind". In 1753 Linnaeus first proposed the system for classifying organisms. Tetrapods are organisms with four limbs with moveable joints surrounded by muscle. Birds and Crocodiles are related because they both have a muscular part of the stomach called the gizzard. The protein that all animals have in common is Collagen Protein. Humans are classified into the Mammals group. The eukaryotes have one structure in their cells called the Nucleus.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data: We did a game in which we compared the different bones to see which animal is closely related to the T-Rex. The caiman ( small alligator thing ) and the parrot were the last animals to closely relate to the T-Rex. What won out was Parrot because it had almost everything the T-Rex had. It was the same with the caiman except it has heels while the parrot and T-Rex do not.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

How organisms are related to each other 11/5/17

Evidence of Evolution · Concepts of Biology
Many organisms have body parts that are actually identical to a other organism which isn't related in the least bit.  A vertebrate is the skeletal units of the spinal column, that protect your spinal cord and keep your body standing upright. A Bony skeleton is a legit skeleton that was created by bones. A tetrapod is an animal that has four limbs. An Amniotic egg is an egg that can be laid on land. Diapsids are two skull openings on the side of your head behind your eyes. Hair is the little filaments growing out of your head. These are all the different body parts organisms have in common.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data: We did a game in which we compared the different bones to see which animal is closely related to the T-Rex. The caiman ( small alligator thing ) and the parrot were the last animals to closely relate to the T-Rex. What won out was Parrot because it had almost everything the T-Rex had. It was the same with the caiman except it has heels while the parrot and T-Rex do not.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Survival Of The Fittest 10/29/17

Survival of the Fittest - Skeptical Science
Summary:Survival Of The Fittest was thought of by Charles Darwin in 1809. Survival Of The Fittest is the theory is a way of explaining the works of natural selection. Natural selection is the process in which organisms get random mutations that are randomly chosen by nature in a way that makes sense even though it’s random. In other words when an species changes to adapt to its environment it becomes a inheritable trait for its offspring. Soon most of that species population will have that genetic change that will help it thrive more in the wilderness. As for those who did not inherit the mutation then they are at risk in the wild.

SP2: Developing and using models:
We created a comic strip demonstrating how Natural selection worked and how mutations were passed on too offspring. We also included how they would adapt to their environment. They would adapt when there would be a change in the environment which puts them at risk. Then natural selection happens and a species will inherit a genetic mutation that will spread throughout the species giving them more chances to thrive.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Evolution & Mutations 10/20/17

Summary: Mutations are a change in DNA. DNA is what gives the living thing its looks and characteristics. Mutations can be beneficial ,harmful or neutral towards the animal or living thing. They are quite random which makes it pretty difficult to handle or notice. Somatic mutations are types of mutations that affect the living thing but it will not pass on to offspring. Mutations that make the organism die are called  - Lethals.  Not all mutations matter to evolution, Somatic mutations don’t help with evolution because the mutation the living thing has will not be passed down to the offspring. The only mutations that will matter and possibly help towards evolution will be those mutations that have the ability to be passed down to offspring which could impact the next generation and possibly cause evolution.

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
We asked questions like "Do mutations have anything to do with evolution." and our answer to that was yes and no. That is because not ALL mutations are inheritable to their offspring. ONLY somatic mutations can be passed on to the offspring of the affected organism which could lead to evolution in the long run.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Geological Time Project Blog

The geologic time scale is a record of all the different life forms on the face of the planet. As well as geological events from earth long history. The Mesozoic Era was divided into 3 different time periods. The first one was the Triassic period when life outside the oceans started to diversify. The period after that was the  Jurassic period where the dinosaurs took over most of the land. Lastly the Cretaceous period took place with the mass exception ending the Mesozoic Era.During the Mesozoic Era the supercontinent Pangea was still intact for a while. But after anger started to drift apart forming the worlds oceans in between. Another big event was the major creation of mountain ranges in North and South America.
I didn't know anything about this subject before we learned about it. I had always thought that time was time and that there wasn't any time periods besides the Jurassic Era and the beginning of time. I never really knew there were Era's or Eon's. But this project taught me lots of information about life and time before today.
How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work? I feel pretty good about my work. Except for the fact that my group didn't really put much color into out design. I liked our information that we put because I really think we got some cool facts into our poster board. I disliked the fact that my group didn't notice we put our time periods in the wrong order. I enjoyed drawing our little flip up cards during this project because it let me show a bit of my artistic side.
Outward-Looking: If I were the teacher, I would say that my groups board wasn't very colorful. It did have all the correct facts and information but an issue was that my group had put the era's in the incorrect order. We put the era that was supposed to be first, in the last era column.
One thing I would like to improve upon is our board setup because is was kind of scrambled here and there and it was not really colorful like the other boards and presentations. And I would also like to reflect on the amount of time we had. Most of our time we spent drawing and I wish we used more time to research more facts than try and perfect how our board looked.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Era Report - Mesozoic Era - WAC

The Mesozoic Era ranged from 245 MYA to 65 MYA. After the Mesozoic Era passed on the paleozoic era aroused. And before the Mesozoic Era was the Cenozoic era.The mesazoic era was divided into 3 different time periods. The first one was the Triassic period hen life outside the oceans started to diversty. The period after that was the Jurrastic period were the dinsaurs took our most of the land. Lastly the Cretaceuos period took place with the mass exctinction ending the Mesozoic era.

The climate during the mesazoic era was warmer, the seasons were more mild than they are today and the sea levels were much higher than they are now. There was also no polar ice. No glacial condition were not present during this era. It was very warm during this era. The super continet pangea started to drift apart forming the worlds oceans in between. Another big geological event was the major mountain building in north & south america.  Granitic Batholiths formed what is now the sierra nevada.The super continet "Pangea" was still intact for a bit during the Mesazoic era. After that, Pangea started to drift apart little by little.Motsly dinosaurs lived during this ear. Some of the first mammals were small omnivores. Fishes sahrks and marinereptiles such as the plesisaurs,ichthyosours, and the nothosours swam through the mesazoic seas.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Mesozoic Era 9/17/17

The Mesozoic Era was divided into 3 different time periods. The first one was the Triassic period when life outside the oceans started to diversify. The period after that was the  Jurassic period where the dinosaurs took over most of the land. Lastly the Cretaceous period took place with the mass exception ending the Mesozoic Era.During the Mesozoic Era the supercontinent Pangea was still intact for a while. But after anger started to drift apart forming the worlds oceans in between. Another big event was the major creation of mountain ranges in North and South America.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information:
We did a worksheet in class on our Era of choice and we are using that information to communicate it within our group to make our final project product. The Era I have chosen was the Mesozoic Era and its one of the biggest out of earths time. This is because it is the time in which the dinosaurs flourished and filled the land which led to the mass extinction and then the evolution of humans.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Geologic Time Scale 9/10/17
Summary: The geologic time scale is a record of all the different life forms on the face of the planet. As well as geological events from earth long history. Relative age is when the age of a rock or life form is compared to the age of another life forms or rock. Absolute age is the absolute number of years the rock or life form was created.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information:
In class we were showed a presentation on the Geologic Time Scale. Thought it wasn't about the entire concept just yet. It gave me a further understanding of the basics of the Geologic Time Scale. I took notes that would further help me in the process of learning about the Geologic Time Scale.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Rock Cycle Review 8/31/17
The Rock Cycle is the cycle that starts and ends with the same rock or substance such as, Magma that crystallizes into igneous rock which adds heat and pressure turning into metamorphic rock which melts into magma. The cycle started with Magma and ended in Magma.   The rock cycle also needs specific changes to transform in to a new rock. An Igneous rock can turn into a metamorphic one when heat and pressure is applied to the igneous rock.

SP2: Developing & Using Models
I used the Gizmo's website to explore the simulation for the rock cycle. To find the process that we selected or chose I would click the "Path" tab and find the path that I created using the different transitions and possible things that could happen to the rock or substance. We had a work sheet that we had to use to write down the different changes that need to happen to get a specific rock.  

Sunday, May 21, 2017

5/20/17 Human Impact On The Environment
When you try and create a village it is good to consider how to would affect the environment. You can't just say "Oh lets build a Urban Village here" and then pop in some houses and completely clear out all of the animal habitats. Humans building houses takes away animal habitats. Landfills emit a gas called Methane Gas which causes a higher chance of global warming which really harms the environment and the type of air we breathe.If we create a policy that helps achieve zero waste towards landfills and incinerators by 2040 this will decrease the chance of global warming since too much trash in landfills can cause greenhouse gases, which can make the earth hotter from the core to the atmosphere.  This will be achieved in my urban village because we will have more recycling bins and we will reuse as much material as we can. We will also conserve food so that all our scraps go to all the less fortunate and so that it doesn't go to waste.
S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models:
To keep my urban village safe for the residents and safe towards the environment I chose 3 of the Environmental Accords and describe how I was going to use them in my Urban Village. Environmental Accord #2, Adopt and implement a policy to reduce the city's peak electric load by ten percent within seven years through energy efficiency, shifting the timing of energy demands, and conservation measures.  By implementing a policy to reduce the city’s peak and electric use by 10% in about the next 7 years we will conserve energy and we will begin to use renewable energy so that the demands for energy and electricity are met. My Urban Village will be addressing this problem by having solar panels set out on all of the roofs of the buildings that require electricity so the we can adopt the use of renewable energy. This is important because it means that our energy will be more efficient and will meet the demands of what our citizens need. That is one of the examples of my Urban Village.
XCC: Cause And Effect:
 When people throw away trash into landfills then after a while the trash inside of landfills decomposes and becomes Methane Gas which is very harmful towards the environment because its a leading pollutant in Global Warming.  If you leave your AC on for to long thats wasting energy that we could be consuming for times that we actually need it. Its the same with water. Many countries are in desperate need of water ( Africa, Southern Sudan etc.) and here in America we leave the water on for hours and hours, we take long showers and we just let all that water go to waste which drains more water that could be helping the environment and the people in need. Every little action can count. If you don't use the heater in the winter and just wear warm clothes, you save more electricity which is beneficial to the environment. If you turn off the water while brushing your teeth you end up saving lots of water.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

pH Levels And Color Change 5/6/17
 Summary: Acids and Bases are measured a pH scale. The scale ranges from 0 to 14. 0 meaning the most acidic and 14 meaning the substance is a base. If the substance is at 7 on the pH scale that means it is neutral. An example of a natural substance is pure water. If a substance is from 0 to 6 on the pH scale that means its a acid. If the substance is 8 through 14 then that means that it is a base. A powerful acid scales from 0 to 3 while a powerful base scales from 11 to 14. To test the level of acidity of a substance you must perform a Litmus Test. A Litmus Test requires a piece of Litmus Paper and the substance you want to find the level of acidity for. Once you have both the Litmus Paper and your substance of choice you will dip the Litmus paper into the substance, the Litmus Paper will turn a different color depending on the acidity level. After checking the color use the pH scale to calculate the acidity of your substance.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
I conducted an experiment where we used neutral cabbage juice and added 2 different solutions to change the acidity and make the substance more concentrated. When the cabbage juice became more acidic it went form a purple (cabbage juice) to a light pink to a darker pink and it inched closer and closer to red. The other solution made the substance a base as it went from purple to a dark green to a lighter green. We compared the different colors of the substance to a pH scale to see what level it was after we put each of the substances in.

XCC:Cause & Effect: When it comes to substances and pH levels anything can happen. If you add something to a substance that makes it more acidic the Litmus paper will turn either a dark shade of pink or purple to a light red meaning the substance becomes acidic. If we add a substance that is more base like to the solution then we will have our Litmus paper turn a dark green or a lime color.  Depending on the acidity of the substance the Litmus paper will turn a certain color reflecting the acidity of said substance. Its the same thing with a substance that is more concentrated and acidic. Something that is very concentrated and acidic could remove rust or it could act like bleach. Both rust removing liquids and bleach are high in acidity levels.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Reefs Affected By Climate Change And Human Activity Article 4/30/17
Summary:Coral Reefs are starting to die out. This is due to pollution, too many fish being taken and global warming. Dr Fio Micheli is observing the effects of global warming/climate change and its effects on the Reefs. She observes the acidity levels of the ocean. 30% of carbon dioxide from human activity dissolves in ocean lakes and river makes the organisms have trouble growing their shells. Healthy reefs have no acidity and many schools of fish and unhealthy reef has no schools of fish and a high acidity level with algae growing in.

Easybib Citation:"Celebrate Earth Day." The Crystal Reef | TIME For Kids. N.p., 10 Apr. 2017. Web. 30 Apr. 2017. <>.

SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence: Many Marine Biologists care about  the enoviorment and Dr. Micheli's hardest part of her job is trying to get people to understand that the coral reefs are at risk and in need of help becuase its not just global warming affecting the reef its pollution and overfishing.  And many reefs are starting to have high acidity levels and are starting to have algae growing in which draws away fish which is a sign of a bad coral ree.f

Friday, April 7, 2017

Different Types Of Bonds 4/7/17
Summary: Ionic bonds are when 2 atoms bond together.  To bond one of the 2 atoms has to have a positive charge and the other has to have an negative charge. A covalent bonds is when 2 atoms share the same electrons for potential energy. Covalent bonds happen between 2 non metals. Chemical Reactions need 2 or more atoms to have a different outcome. To know if a chemical reaction is happening you need to see if there is visible gas, bubbling around the surface, fizzing, the temperature of the substance either gets very hot or goes down to very cold, and lastly color changing. The reactants still have the same mass and atoms they just get re arranged.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations: We did a lab to create a chemical reaction. Our reactants were baking soda,vinegar and laundry detergent. And our reactants had to yield our product... Sodium Bicarbonate. Our goal was to dry and put different amount of baking soda and vinegar into our test tube to see how much of baking soda and vinegar it would take to reach the top of the test tube(100 ml) without overflowing. (the amount of laundry detergent has to be the same the whole time - 2 drop of laundry detergent). And we knew it was a chemical change because we saw lots of bubbling and fizzing. The exact result to get to the top without overflowing was 1/2 of a teaspoon of  baking soda, 7 ml of vinegar , and 2 drops of laundry detergent.

XCC: Cause & Effect: When you have 2 or more reactants it causes those 2 reactants to rearrange their atoms to create something new. Like our baking soda, vinegar,and laundry detergent experiment all those reactants came together to rearrange their atoms to create Sodium Bicarbonate. When there are 2 atoms they get connected because they are attracted by each others atoms and bond for a chance of potential energy. If your atom has a negative charge it is called a cation. This happens when electrons get added giving the atom an negative charge. If electrons are lost then the atom has a positive charge which makes it a anion.So if a atom is positive its a anion. If it has a negative charge then its a cation.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Chemical Reactions 4/2/17
A chemical reaction is a process in which one set of substances called reactants is converted to a new set of substances called products.
To know when a chemical reaction is happening you should probably look for these signs in the mixture you created. Either visible gas, bubbling around the surface, fizzing, the temperature of the substance either gets very hot or goes down to very cold, and lastly color changing. The Reactants are what you mix to get the product. And the reactants yield the products. And obviously the products are the outcome of the reactants.

S&EP: SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations: I played an interactive game called on and we basically had to figure out how one reaction causes another. And this was also supposed to show us how the different signs of a chemical reaction look like. Fizzing,bubbling,change in temperature or color, and gas starts to come out of the product. Dissolving is not a chemical change its is a physical change. Lets say its salt that dissolved. I am sure there is some way to change salt back to its normal solid was because dissolving it didn't change it.

XCC: Cause & Effect: When two different reactants are mixed together they create a product. Like if we put two hydrogen and one oxygen together it gives us water. One nitrogen, four hydrogen, and one chlorine. This gives us NH4Cl which is Ammonium chloride. Different things(reactants) combined create(yield) other things (products).  So whatever you put together always has another out come. Like Sodium and Chloride make NaCl (Sodium Chloride// Table Salt).

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Periodic Table 3/26/17

The Periodic Table | My Storybook
Summary: The periodic table isn't all just letter and numbers in tiny squares on a chart. The first column of the table (excluding hydrogen) is the Alkali Metals Family they have one electron in their outer shell and are very very reactive. The second column is the Alkali Earth Metals which have 2 electrons in their outer shell. Then the whole middle section is Transition Metals which can bond with many elements in a variety of shapes. Then we have the next column which is the Boron Family with 3 electrons on its outer shell. Next to that is the Carbon Family which has 4 electrons in its outer shell they bond very easily but are not very reactive. Carbon can form 4 bonds which gives living things the possibility of shape. Then Theres the Nitrogen Family with 5 electrons. Then the Oxygen family with 6 elections and is reactive. The the Halogen Group  with 7 electrons and are very reactive and are all non-metals. Then last but not least the Noble Gases which don't react to anything with 8 electrons(excluding helium). Then the bottom rows are rare earth metals and some are radioactive and can conduct electricity.

S&EP:SP1: Asking questions and defining problems:  We had to fill out a chart and we had to fill in the spaces for the periodic table. We had to find the amount of protons neutrons and electrons.  Some math was involved. How I found the number of neutrons was first i took the atomic mass and then subtracted the number of protons from it and then i rounded it to find the number of neutrons. And then we did this for about 15 or 20 different elements from the periodic table.

XCC: Cause & Effect:  Cause and effect plays a big part in this and one example is that the number of protons and neutrons can effect the atom to have a negative ion or positive ion. (charge). When you mix 2 different atoms one could react highly or the other might not react at all depending on what atoms you are putting together and depending wether they are reactive or not.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Elements And Atoms 3/18/17

Science Notes and Projects
Summary: Atoms are what make up literally everything. Atoms are made up of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. The middle of the atom is the Nucleus. The Nucleus is made up of Protons and Neutrons. The Electron is flying around the Nucleus. Electron's have a Negative Charge, Protons have a Positive charge and the Neutrons have a neutral charge. The Protons are what determine/identify what type of atom it is. Elements are made up of only one type of atom. And ALL Elements are found on the periodic table. If its not on the periodic table then its not an Element. Density is how much stuff is in a given space. Mass divided by Volume is the formula to find the density of something. And Volume is the amount of space something takes up. To find volume you must do length times width times height.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations: To figure out more about density,volume, and mass we did an experiment in which we had giant tub of water. Then we had different types materials that all had different densities, mass and volume. Some of the materials sunk because they had more density and mass while some didnt because the had less volume and mass. We also tried to use aluminum foil we filed it to the size of the bin of water and put it in. It floated. But we folded it into a little square to make it more dense and then it sunk.

XCC: Cause And Effect: The amount of protons an atom has is what identify what type of atom it is.  If your atom has a negative charge it is called a cation. This happens when electrons get added giving the atom an negative charge. If electrons are lost then the atom has a positive charge which makes it a anion. Cause and effect is very key in the atoms. So if a atom is positive its a anion. If it has a negative charge then its a cation.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Asian TIger Mosquito Project 2/8/17

Summary:  The Asian Tiger Mosquito is a well know species around the east coast area due to its deadly bite and white and black color . The asian tiger mosquito is most know for the deadly disease that it carries which is called  the chikungunya fever .The Asian Tiger Mosquito is also an invasive species. An invasive species is a type of animal or plant that is transported somehow to a new environment that it does not belong to, causing environmental harm and unhealthiness.

Backward looking: I knew that the invasive species are species that are somehow transferred to a new area where they don't belong causing havoc in the area. But i never knew that the Asian Tiger Mosquito was a Invasive species. I didn't know that invasive species were so harmful towards the environment.

Inward Looking: One thing I found frustrating was that I was the one that had to do most of the work. Because at the last minute I didn't have the brochure printed out. And I felt like I could have managed my time at home despite my busy schedule and I could have maybe spent more time on this project.

Outward Looking:  I would give my project a B+ just because I knew that my project didnt meet the full required fields that we needed and what the rubric said. So maybe if we read the rubric a little more our project would have been a A with full credit. But for us the lack of reading the rubric brought us down.

Forward Looking:   One thing I would like to improve upon is Time management because we we scrambling to finished up our project during the last few days and I feel like we missed a couple of things that the rubric required. And in the future I wish to be more on top of my work and to pay more closer attention to the rubric.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Invasive Species 2/6/17

Invasive species in Canada and Climate Change on emaze
An Invasive species is a type of organism that somehow gets transferred to a different place that it's not native to causing it to disrupt the new environment it got placed in. There are many type of interactions that can happen. Predation is when one organism contains all or one of another. So it a win-lose situation.Competition is when two organisms are fighting for either food,shelter,mates etc. Next we have Symbiosis which is the relationship of two different organisms. Mutualism is when both organisms benefit off of each other. It's a win-win situation. Commensalism is when one organism is benefited while the other isn't benefited or harmed. It's a win-meh situation. Lastly we have Parasitism which is when one organism is benefitied while the other organism is harmed.

S&EP:SP6:Construction Explanations And Designing Conclusions
We have to construct a brochure to show that our animal of choice (Asian Toger Mosquito)  should be removed from the US because it's causing environmental problems and the fact is that the Asian tiger Mosquito transfers many different types of diseases to humans and animals causing the disease to spread when a animal consumes the animal intoxicated with the disease. This makes the environment go all wrong and every animal begins to either under populate or over populate due to a animal that is not supposed to be in that environment. So we have to design conclusions on how to get rid of this animal and we have to construct our explanation to pursuance people that we are correct.

XCC: Cause & Effect:  Basically the environment is all about cause and effect. When a organism that does not belong to a certain area gets transported there somehow that causes the new area it in to go crazy and messed up. This is because it will start consuming others food leaving less food. Then when it starts to replicate the issue will just grow more depending on the type of organism. So another example of cause and effect is the food chain. If we have to many wolfs they will eat tons of bunnies leading to the increase of grass and decline of bunnies. Once all the bunnies are gone the wolves will start to die off without any food. Causing the consumers of the wolves to die them everything just collapses.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Energy Pyramid & The Food Chain 2/19/17

The food chain is the process in which animals go from the producer to primary consumer, herbivore consumer, omnivore consumer, and carnivore consumer. The food chain is like a cheerleading pyramid. The lowest get has more work holding up the people while the people at the top get less work by just balancing. And if on person missteps of is absent the the pyramid just falls apart. Its just like the food chain because the food chain at the bottom is the maintainment of the whole pyramid and if does its function wrong or if the producer starts to decrease it affects the whole pyramid by decreasing the insect population because the insects are running out of producers to eat. And if the grasshoppers decrease the the mouse population will lower because the insects are dying out causing the owl to start decreasing making the whole pyramid collapse and everything goes extinct.

S&EP:SP3: Planning And Carrying Out Investigations
We did gizmos and experiments and investigated what would happen if we increased the number of producers or consumers. Or what happened if we decreased the number.We also played a game where each table was given a cycle either carbon cycle or nitrogen cycle and you would have to roll a dice to see where you would end up like for the carbon cycle i went from atmosphere to surface water. And then once we got all the facts that the game gave us we would be paired up with another table that was he opposite cycle and have 8 minutes to explain our cycle to them and then after we had a quiz on both cycles based on what the table groups and game taught us.

XCC: Cause & Effect
Like I said the food chain is very fragile because if one animal or plant starts to die off everything goes down. And in this case the animals and plants all depend on one another so there no "every plant or animal for themselves!". They are all in it together. Either the plant and animals are in a stable chain or they are slowly dying off. Lets say the food chain is grass gets eaten by rabbits and the rabbits get eaten by foxes and the foxes get eaten by hawks. So if the grass population starts to decrease the the rabbits will decrease due to the lack of grass causing the foxes to die with lack of rabbits and so on.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Superhero Genetics Project 2/9/17

Summary: Genetics is what make up your body and how you look. You get your looks from your parents because they pass down their genes to you. An allele is one or two alternative forms of a gene. 99.5% of human genes are the same. DNA carries generic instruction for your body and how you are supposed to look. Our DNA is 3 meters long. There are 2 types of genes dominant and recessive. Dominant is obviously the greater allele and a recessive gene is a less greater allele.

SP2: Developing and using models: What I did was to create a poster and create an animated box. What the poster was about was that we have to put all the worksheets and drawings that we did on the whole project onto the poster. The animation box we had was to display our super hero and show that the superhero was like it was "flying". Then we also had to do multiple drawing of our superhero and their off-spring. We had to do a paper on epigenetic which was where we had to see if the choices our superhero made affected the off-spring. For example, if my superhero had a lot of junk food and didn't go outside to exercise then the off-spring would be overweight. And if the superhero drank lots of alcohol then the baby would have deformed lungs and trouble breathing.

Backward Looking - I knew some stuff about genetics before we started this unit but I didn't know much as I like a lot of detail like I did after this project. But our teacher did let us do some activities that would help us engage in the new project. I am really happy our teacher gave us almost 2 weeks to research stuff about genetics and mutations for our project because obviously without it I would have failed. But I did know things like the gene and characteristics, but I didn't know anything about the dominant and recessive alleles.

Inward Looking - I feel very proud about this work because I literally put my all into this project because we had to do a lot of work and I thought I would not be able to manage all this work. But surprisingly, I did and this caused be to be really on top of my A game for this project. And honestly, this is probably the best work I have done because there were so many different types of parts to it and that makes me have many different types of work that I am proud of. But one thing I am disappointed about is that my poster was a tad bit sloppy.

Outward Looking - Everyone in my class had to do this project. But the one thing that was unique was that we all got to choose our different superheroes and their powers. But other than that my class did the same thing pretty much and at some points we got to choose our own things. Such as our superiors offspring design and powers, our villains design, our villains superpower and our love story on how the superhero and husband met along with why the villain and superhero are enemies. Writing the stories was probably the most different thing we did because we all got to choose the special story for why our superhero and villain are enemies and how my superhero and partner met.

Forward Looking -  One thing I would like to improve upon is my neatness on my poster because my poster was the only thing that was last minute and I kind of had to throw it together. I didn't really have time to assemble the most neat poster because I also had my actual poster for the student exhibition night to do and that was very very very important. And I mean all the required things were on my poster, but the one thing was that bad was the everything was all rolled up and some of the parts that I needed to explain were very brief not as long and understanding.And my poster was very wrinkled because it was rolled up and put in my bag, but what can I say that's how my bag is; an eternal death hole.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Presentations 2/5/17
Summary: For a presentation you can't have just your item and nothing behind it. You have to have some sort of poster, trifold, or something so that the people you are presenting to can read more in depth about your work.  For some items people may use a thing called a QR code which is used to scan things and then see what you need to see from the mobile device. The QR code is kind of like a link but in a square of pixels that your mobile device can scan. You can make your own by getting the link. Then you go to  which is a URL shortener. Once you shorten your URL you go and make a new tab paste the shortened URL into the search link and add " .qr " to the end. Press enter and the a picture of QR code for your URL should pop up.

S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models: For my Superhero project display I am doing a poster using poster paper. In that  poster i have to feature all of the work I did the past month. For my 2 story about how my superhero met their mate and how my superhero came to be I have 2 QR codes which people can scan and read on their own time. I also like that people can actually spend time to read the stories I wrote because if i just printed out the story all they would do is glimpse at it and wander off. But if they scan the code they can actually read it on their own.
XCC:Cause And Effect : I used my cause and effect in my epigenetic and my superhero and villains rivalry. For the epigenetics whatever bad choice my superhero did affected the offspring and whatever good choice my superhero made affected the offspring in a positive way. Such as the superhero eats to much junk food and does not exercise the outcome would be a offspring with obesity.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Villian Organ System Changes 1/29/17

 Many people believe that superhero are fake and childish. I believe that it is possible to create a real life super hero. To do this you need the knowledge of science, genetics, and the different body systems. Its possible that if you change your body systems up you could possible get "superpowers". Such as making your lungs bigger so that you can run faster. Or increasing the size of your pupils making you see better in the dark. Increasing muscle size can make you stronger and give you much much much more strength. There is a possibility to have "superpowers" you just need to use science.

S&EP:SP 2 Developing And Using Models: I drew a Super Villain and I changed up 4 of my villains organ systems. There are 2 modes for each of the changed organs. Normal And Nefarious. I changed the eyes,muscular system, skeletal system, and ears. For the eyes I enlarged the pupil for night vision. The muscles in the muscular system got bigger so that my super villain can hold up heavy objects. For The skeletal system changed because I gave my superhero elastic like bones so that she could stretch her bones out almost 5 miles! Last but not least the ear. I enlarged the small hearing hole to make her hear very well. and I also gave her pointy ears.

XCC: Structure And Function: Every change you do to a persons body system affects them. Like I said before if you enlarge the pupil in a humans eye then the human will see better in the dark. If you increase muscle size you make the human much more stronger.If you made your lungs bigger you would be able to hold more air and do things better such as running and jogging without running out of breath. Or another example would be your bladder. If you increase the size of that then you will be able to hold more urine allowing yourself more time away from the bathroom.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Genetic Mutations 1/14/16

There are many different type of genetic mutations such as Insertion. Insertion is a genetic mutation that occurs when a need piece  of DNA is added which causes the number of DNA bases. The result of this would be that the protein made by the gene won't function properly and will be bad for your body. Next theres Deletion. Deletion occurs when the number of DNA bases changes when a piece of DNA is removed. This could cause the proteins in the making to come out bad or with errors and there are many other different types of genetic mistakes.
S&EP SP1- Asking Questions And Defining Problems
I asked the question "What is a GMO and whats the difference between a mutation and a GMO?" A GMO is when somebody modifies a piece of DNA on purpose nobody forces them and its not by accident they choose to change their DNA. Genetically modifying is when your cells duplicate wrong or when a toxic chemical somehow gets into your body and causes your DNA to go haywire. The difference between the two is how a GMO is when you decide to change your DNA while a genetic modification is when your cells randomly disfunction causing your DNA to change giving you a mutation.
XCC: Cause And Effect
Every single little mistake in DNA can completely change your body. Like I described in the summary there are many types of different genetic mutations. And even the smallest error in DNA can have either a good outcome or a bad outcome. Most of the time the effect could be negative. But the positive effect can only be when you decide to give yourself a genetic mutation. Like my superhero for instance she got mutated when a piece of the Pistol Shrimp skin mixed with something that would take the DNA from the Pistol Shrimp skin and become a new base in my superhero DNA.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Genetics 2.0 1/8/17

Revolution Xtreme Fitness -


Genetics are what make up your body and your parent are the people who have an effect on what you look like. Everything is made up of smaller parts. Like smallest to largest - gene,DNA, chromosome,nucleus,cell. Punnet squares are used to see what traits you might be born with. A punnet square is made up of a square divided into 4 parts. A capitol letter would represent a Dominant Trait and a lowercase letter would represent a recessive trait. You use it kind of like a multiplication table. The capitol letter always goes first.
 Dad = 2 recessive
 Mom = 1 dominant 1 recessive
S |  Ss  |  Ss  |
 s |  ss   |   ss |
S&EP:Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?
yes I did many models the models I used were the punnet squares. We also had to draw many pictures about our superhero and their offspring. We would use to the model to figure out if our superhero offspring would have brown hair, super strength, speed etc.  I had already found the different alleles for both my superhero and supervillan. We drew a picture afterwards to resemble our results from the punnet squares. 
XCC: Cause And Effect 
The cause and effect has a big effect because lets say the mom has a lot of stress while being pregnant. The effect would be a unhealthy baby. If the mom smokes or has alcohol then the child could be born with disabilities and might have a higher chance of getting cancer. Twins. If two eggs get fertilized at the exact same time you have nonidentical twins. But if a egg gets fertilized and splits into 2 you will have identical twins. Identical twins may look very similar at birth and around young ages but as they get older their small differences begin to show a lot.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Genetics Vocabulary Test Corrections

Genetics Vocabulary Test Corrections 

C. Allele
Wrong Answer - Phenotype observed in heterozygous organisms
Right Answer - One of two or more alternative forms of a gene. This answer is correct because a Phenotype observed in heterozygous organisms is a Dominant Trait not an allele.

E. Heterozygous
Wrong Answer - One of two or more alternative forms of a gene
Right Answer - A genotype consisting of two different alleles, also called hybrid. This is correct because One of two or more alternative forms of a gene is an allele while A genotype consisting of two different alleles, also called hybrid is Heterozygous.

F. Dominant Trait 
Wrong Answer - Phenotype masked in heterozygous organisms, that can only be observed in homozygous organisms
Right Answer - Phenotype observed in heterozygous organisms. This answer is correct because Phenotype masked in heterozygous organisms, that can only be observed in homozygous organisms is the definition of a Recessive Trait.

G. Recessive Trait
Wrong Answer - A genotype consisting of two different alleles, also called hybrid
Right Answer - Phenotype masked in heterozygous organisms, that can only be observed in homozygous organisms. This answer is correct because A genotype consisting of two different alleles, also called hybrid is the definition of heterozygous.

Genetics Wizer Me Test Corrections

Genetics Wizer Me Test Corrections

Question 3 - Which of the following describes a phenotype?  
   Wrong Answer- The number of traits an organism possesses
    Right Answer- An observable product of an organism’s genetic makeup. This is because a phenotype is what shows on the actual organism while the number of traits an organism possesses is the number of traits a certain organism inherits.  

Question 4 - Which of the following describes a genotype?
   Wrong Answer- An observable product of an organism’s genetic makeup
    Right Answer- The genes contained in an organism’s genetic makeup. This is because a genotype is the different genes the genetics makeup has while the observable product is actually a phenotype.

Question 6 - Which of the following is the passing of traits from parents to offspring?
   Wrong Answer- Characteristics
    Right Answer- Heredity. This is the correct answer because a characteristic is like someones mood or how they want to act and none of that is inherited and heredity defines the passing of physical/mental statistics.

Question 10 - If a baby zebra has a two recessive genes for short legs which of the following may be true?
   Wrong Answer-The father has two recessive genes. The mother has two dominant genes.
    Right Answer- The father has two recessive genes. The mother has one dominant gene and one recessive gene.    This is right because......
Dad = 2 recessive                            Dad = 2 recessive
Mom=2 dominant                            Mom = 1 dominant 1 recessive
*Wrong*                                             *Right*
 _s______s_                                 __s____s_
S|  Ss    |  Ss |                            S |  Ss  |  Ss  |
  |_____|___ |                               |  ___|____|
S|    Ss  |  Ss |                            s  |  ss   | ss   |
  |          |       |                               |        |        |

Question 17 - A population of mice lives in northern Canada where there is snow most of the year. 
These mice are hunted by other animals. Which feature would be best for these mice to inherit from their parents, so they are NOT all killed off by their predators?
   Wrong Answer- A large amount of fur
    Right Answer- White Fur Color. White Fur Color is correct because since in northern Canada it snows most of the year the white fur would act as a camouflage to blend in so that the mice wouldn't be killed off.

Question 19 - Two parent bunnies have recessive traits for white fur.  What genotype will all of the offspring have?
   Wrong Answer- Ff
    Right Answer- ff. This is because both parent bunnies have the recessive trait and if you use a punnet square the only possible outcome for a genotype is ff since both parents have recessive traits.
Question 22 - What is the probability of two parents that are BB and Bb to have an offspring with a recessive trait?
   Wrong Answer- 25%
    Right Answer-0%   is correct because.....                                                    
B|  BB  |  Bb |                      
  |_____|___ |                        
B|   BB |  Bb |                      
  |          |       |                          
        There is no bb which would be the genotype for the recessive.