Friday, December 9, 2016

Charity Fair Project 12/9/16

The Mason Jars So Credits To Me

            Charity Fair

Summary: Do you ever think that your shelf looks kind of boring, or that it’s missing something? Well we have a solution for you. We present the Seasonal Mason Jars created by the company, A & D Association. Our seasonal mason jars come in 4 different themes, including an ocean themed mason jar for those who are interested in sea life, a fall mason jar that perfectly completes the fall decor, a winter mason jar that will give you the christmas miracle you’ve been waiting for, and a spring mason jar for those who live for wildlife. The characteristic of a good charity is that it gives the majority of the money it earns to the actual cause and not the administrative costs. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research achieves this ideal characteristic. The IWPR gives about 57% of the money that they earned to the actual cause. Also, only about 43% of the money that the charity earns is administrative costs.
Backward Looking:
I had a lot of experience with the charity. To be exact since 5th grade so this made it my 3rd year doing charity fair. I am very familiar with charity fair and how it all goes. The only new thing was that we had to present 1 by 1 in front of a audience of parents and they would rate us. It used to be a parent coming to our booth and then we would present to them there but it changed this year. But the rest was normal we would do a Ignite Presentation, Charity Statistics, Cost & Profit, an Instructable, and our Poster Board. And we would make a product to sell at the Charity Fair.
Inward Looking:
One thing that was frustrating is that we little time to work on our project in classes. In Language Arts for out Ignite Presentation we had 3 days, In Social Studies we had 2 days to research about our charity, In Math we had 4 Days in total to do both our cost and profit and statistics, In Elective we had 1 week which was fine that class was clear for our board which was a good amount of time so it does not count for this, and in Science for our instructable we had 2 days. This made us have to do most of our projects as homework.
Outward Looking:
I would give our project an A because we put a lot of effort into this and when we couldn't meet up at each others houses we would go to the library and do our product over there. We put a lot of effort into this by working on it at home a lot and revising everything we do.  And if we didn't meet the expectations of our work we would always regrade it and try to meet the expectations. We would read the rubrics also for all our work and we would always double deck our work and sometimes check it 3 times.
Forward Looking:
One thing I would like to improve upon is our board setup because is was kind of scrambled here and there and it was disorganized a bit. And I would also like to reflect on the spring jar we did that was also kind of scrambled and disorganized so i wish my group was more organized with our stuff.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Human Genetics 12/4/16
Human Genetics 12/4/16

Genetics are what you inherit from your mother and father when you are born. They are what make you look like either your mom or dad when you are older. 99.5% of all human genes are the same. DNA carries generic instruction for your body and how you are supposed to look. Our DNA is 3 meters long. One of our cells can stretch from the earth to the sun back and forth 3 times!
S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models:
We are making superheroes and mine is based off of the Pistol Shrimp. The pistol shrimp can close its jaws so fast and abruptly that the water around heats up to a boil. Since the Pistol Shrimp is small it can fit into small spaces. I drew a picture of the pistol shrimp as a human and my superhero has claws for hands. It also has the whiskers that help the shrimp sense things around it.
XCC: Structure and Function: 
When the water inside the claw get squeezed out it forms a type of mini water jet. The speed of the water jet is so fast that once the shrimp closes its claws we get a pressure drop to below the normal vapor pressure of water which results in cavitation. Cavitation occurs when the water velocity is very high, the pressure drop that are even below the vapor pressure will vaporize or boil. The loud sound that the claws of the pistol shrimp make consist of both claws slamming together at such amazing speeds and so much force.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Human Body Redesign Project Blog

Human Body Redesign Project Blog

Summary: The problem with the skeletal system, is that it only protects your vital organs, and even though they do, there are holes. For example, the ribs, they protect the heart, even though they do, you still can’t survive a bullet or a knife to the heart. Most reasons why this happens is because the ribs have holes, this means that anything harmful like a blade or bullet, can get through. The original design was protecting the vital organs while still giving enough room to move and feel comfortable. It also helped to keep us up straight and helps us move.
Backward Looking: I knew a lot of things about the system I was redesigning. This is because our previous mini project we had to do very thorough research on every system in the human body and write and long blog about it and I did the skeletal system as my first blog and since it was my first one I did a good load of research to get my first research right and correct. This is how I know so much about the system I am redesigning.
Inward Looking: One thing I liked about my work is that this is one of the many projects that every single member pitched in and had a equal amount of work. One thing thing i would redo is our video because I thought we sounded a little monotone and bored and the video has some flaws so I wish we could have fixed the video a bit and the way our tone was.
Outward: Looking: One thing I would want people to notice about our project is that we put a lot of effort into trying to include all the required items to make it meet the teachers requirements.  My group put a lot of effort into this project and I want our project to look flawless so that people know that we did this project to show our effort and we didnt just slack off.
Forward Looking: One thing I would like to improve upon is our video. This is because our voices were monotone and almost lifeless sounding. And for a good presentation you have to show interest in your own topic and have a nice "alive" voice. Another thing I would like to improve upon is our video editing because our video had some flaws in it and and since we waited till the last minute to do our video we had to go through it quickly.This leads me to conclude with one final improvement. I think my group should have been on top of our work a little more because our video was almost at the verge of last minute.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Ideas For Redesign 11/12/16

Ideas For Redesign 11/12/16

Summary: The original design of the skeletal system protected the vital organs and it was placed above several systems and it is under the muscular system and your skin. The form of it is around your vital organs and the function is to protect your vital organs and help your body stay together. It helps your body stay together because it if you didn’t have your bones then nothing would really be sturdy. We are focusing on areas that are weaker and exposed so that when you are hit in a certain areas you won’t get injured or even die. For example the ribs even though it’s not really exposed it has a big impact because it protects your lungs, but without them your lungs wouldn’t be protected and you would die. Another example would be the clavicle because there are some spots where you could be stabbed or impaled.

SP2 Developing And Using Models: We used many different models of skeletons of both humans and animals to compare the pros and cons of a animals skeleton to a humans skeleton. We tried to find some disadvantages in the skeletons we observed because our idea is to protect open space in the skeletal system. And to do this we need to compare and contrast the pros and cons between a human skeleton and different animal skeletons.
XCC Structure And Function:
We looked at different structures for animal skeletons and how they help and protect the animals insides. We also compared the amount of protection a animals skeleton provides for a animal compared to a human. The structure really helped us see the difference of protection. Function was also important because if we redesign something we need to see what the outcome has on the function.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Is It Healthier To Be A Omnivore or Vegetarian?

Is It Healthier To Be A Omnivore or Vegetarian?

Omnivore diets are more healthier because it provides your body with a diet that has a variety of foods that benefit you,your,body,and your life.  I know this because if you have a omnivore diet you are less likely to not have enough of calories,Vitamin B12,Iron, and Zinc. Vitamin B12 is essential for your body because it helps protect your nerves and brain, if your vegetarian you lose your Vitamin B12 because you don't have meat in your diet. I know this because SENCER stated it very clearly in their article. It also helps your brain and nerves function and it helps the red blood cells develop. According to SENCER meat helps improve your bone health.

My 1st reason is that when you are a vegetarian you don't eat meat. And when you don't eat meat you lose a very important Vitamin in your body. That Vitamin is Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is found in meat and helps and protects your brain and nerves. "Without meat in the diet humans cut out vitamin B12 and limit DHA/EPA (Active forms of omega-3 fats)" said SENCER. When your vegetarian you lose your Vitamin B12 which makes you vulnerable to sicknesses and disorders that include you brain and nerves which isn't so good.  When you don't eat meat you don't just lose Vitamin B12, you lose other key proteins, calories and more. Losing these proteins and calories sometimes can be unhealthy for your body.

My second reason why its better to be Omnivore is that Omnivores are less likely to fall short or things such as calories, zinc,Vitamin B12, and iron. These are all key things that your body needs to stay healthy but if you are a Vegetarian then you are unhealthy and are probably falling short of all these things right now.  "Also, eaters of any food are less likely to be (not having enough of something) intotal calories, Vitamin B12, proteins,iron and zinc than their vegetarian partners." Says SENCER. Meat contains all of these things but since Vegetarian's don't eat meat they are losing these things and their becoming unhealthy and more prone to diseases because the Vitamin B12 is connected to the brain and nerves because it helps your brain and nerves stay clear and function properly. Your brain and nerves are connected to the nervous system so if you lack Vitamin B12 your nervous system could be harmed or at risk of disease and disorders.

 A 3rd reason that you should be a Omnivore is because meat helps your bones stay healthy. And vegetarians don't consume meat meaning some of their bones are unhealthy and probably experience weakness in bones. The bones also begin cracking because of old age and this is caused by old age of the bones and a very scarce amount of proteins. "Another thing that protein is important for is bone health. The studies show that consumption of protein is related to increased bone density in old age and a lower risk of breaks/cracks. If you want to gain (or maintain) muscle, as well as prevent weakening bones/weak bones and breaks/cracks in old age, then the protein in meat can be helpful." Says Kris Gunnar's Of BSC.

You could argue that the vegetarians "live longer". But this myth or tell tale story is not true. This is because most vegetarians tend to be more "frantic" to eat healthy and tend to eat many nutritious foods to replace the proteins, calories, and vitamins they are missing out on. "Vegetarians do not live longer. This very old story/untrue story happens because vegetarians tend to be more health conscious overall, eating a more (eating lots of different healthy foods), exercising more, and smoking less than most people." Said ProCon.Org What ProCon.Org is trying to say is that most vegetarians are health conscious which means that they eat healthier because of their own health concerns. While on the other hand Omnivore just eat anything because they know that they have the appropriate amount of proteins, calories, and vitamins. The one weakness in being a Omnivore is that eating meat could possibly raise a risk for type 2 but eating nuts, soy proteins can help prevent type 2.

In conclusion being Omnivore is more healthier because Omnivore diets are less likely to not have enough Vitamin B12,Iron,Calories,Zinc or protein. Meat provides your bones with plenty of fresh proteins which makes your bones strong and healthy. Without meat to provide our body with lots of proteins The bones will begin cracking because of old age and a very scarce amount of proteins. Since Vitamin B12 is a very important vitamin the meat Omnivores eat is full of it but on the other hand Vegetarian diets don't have much vitamin B12.  This is why Omnivore diets are much more healthier that Vegetarian diets.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Immune System
Immune System

Function: The function of the immune system is to keep you health and safe. It does this by remembering the sicknesses you get so the next time they come to attack your bod, your body is able to fight it off.

Spleen: Old red blood cells get sent to the spleen to be recycled. In the mean time white blood cells are stored in the spleen. The Spleen can fight bacteria related to Pneumonia.
Bone Marrow: Bones marrow is where red blood cells are created and produced. The bone marrow is responsible for creating T cells. The bone marrow also creates the cells in body.
Thymus: The Thymus receives T cells that are not mature yet and train them to do their function. The T cells come from the bone marrow.
Lymph Nodes: Lymph Nodes act as filters. They filter germs that could potentially make you sick. Lymph Nodes include a small tunnel/channel system inside this small system the tunnels contain white blood cells.
Tonsils And Adenoids: The Tonsils and Adenoids have almost the same function. They are responsible for capturing and trapping viruses and bacteria.
Skin: The skin is the top layer of our body and its used to protect our bodies and our inside and tissues. It also help to prevent viruses and bacteria and other harmful things to your body.
Appendix: The appendix is very helpful towards your body because its full of a special bacteria that helps you digest your food. And if your body is under attack and some important bacteria gets extinguished the appendix will step in and can act as a replacement.

Interaction With Other Systems: 
The Immune System works with the circulatory system in order to transport lymphocytes.  And the pathways the circulatory system provides help the Immune System cells travel through your body quickly. The Immune System also works with the Digestive System because the appendix has the job of being able to digest food with a special type of bacteria.
My analogy is a library because thats how you Immune System is its like a library full of books each one containing a file of a sickness or germ that the Immune System defeated. This is so that when the sicknesses or germ comes back you and your Immune System will be able to fight it. These books with the germs "weaknesses" written on it helps when the real sickness/disease causing germ comes so we can fight it.
Structure And Function: 
Skin is designed to be the first guard of your body. The skins structure is very strong and thick this help your body stay safe and your inside intact. Only a very major and deep injury could pass through the skins structure. The main function for the skin is to protect your insides and be the first protecter to germs and outside materials. You skin is rough which makes it that only something sharp or a hard hit would actually make you bleed.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Mitosis 10/14/16

Image Creds


The process of the cells dividing is called Mitosis. Mitosis is what causes cell division. There are six different phases. These six phases are Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase , Telophase and Cytokinesis. 
There is also different types of body systems that help us live and breath today. The systems are the Cardiovascular System, Digestive System, Immune System,Muscular System, Nervous System, Skeletal System, and the Urinary System.

S&EP: SP2: Developing And Using Models:

We made a model of a Mitosis flip book in class. A flip book is a small book that has drawing drawn on them and when you flip the book quickly it becomes a miniature animation. And for our animation  we had to draw the many different stages of Mitosis. We had to draw the little cells while they did their cell division. It was challenging but in the end it was fun to see the result and witness mitosis in our eyes.

XCC: Cause and Effect:

 The cause and effect is once the cell matures and grows it starts the stages of Mitosis. The first thing it does is it duplicates its DNA so the other cell can have the same DNA and not just half. Once the cell has duplicated its DNA correctly it begins the rest of the Mitosis process. But sometimes the cell could duplicate itself wrongly and that could cause uncontrollable duplication/division of cell. This uncontrollable division/duplication can cause cancer. And cancer could possibly lead to death.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Cell Cycle 10/7/16
The Interphase the cell starts to grow and mature.The DNA doubles. During Phosphase the Nucleus disappears and the chromatin starts to condense and the spindle fiber forms between the centrids. In Metaphase the spindle fibers get connected to the chromosome while the move to the center of the cell.Anaphase is when the centromeres split and the spindle fibers pull the sister chomeotides to the opposite poles. Telophase is when the nuclear membrane begins to form and the cell start to split in two.Cytokinesis is when the cytoplasm and cell splits in two and two daughter cells form and one goes to one cell while the other goes to the other cell.This is called Mitosis or the Cell Cycle.
SP6:Constructing Explanations And Designing Solutions:
On a worksheet I attempted to explain the way Mitosis works and what it is. I said the Mitosis is the 6 step process the cell goes through to split in half or divide. The cell goes through these 6 steps rather quickly and its appearance changes very quickly (inside).The process goes in 6 phases like I said Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokenesis.
Stability And Change:
The change thats happening is the actual cell itself because its going through 6 phases which lead to the cell splitting in 2. The name of the 6 phases are Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase,Anaphase,Telophase,and Cytokenesis. All these phases lead to the cell splitting in two. This process can be called cell division,the cell cycle, or mitosis. Before anything the cell MUST copy DNA so the cell that is about to split doesn't receive only half of the DNA code.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Cell Energy Cycle 9/30/16
Summary: Plants need food and waterer to survive. Oxygen and food is what helps animals survive and grow. Animals depend on plants for oxygen and food. The chemical equation for photosynthesis is CO2+H20+sun energy+)2+C6H12O6.The equation for cellular respiration is C6H12O6+6O2--> 6CO2+6H2O+energy.

SP6: Constructing Explanations And Designing Solutions: I worked on a 6 page long worksheet. And it was about cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Or either of these can be called the Cell Energy Cycle. Photosynthesis is the process that plant use to make their own food and oxygen. Cellular Respiration involves two parts Anaerobic Respiration and Aerobic Respiration. Anaerobic Respiration happens in the Cytoplasm while the Aerobic Respiration happens in the Mitochondrion.
Structure And Function:  Photosynthesis is used for plants to make their own energy and happens in the chloroplast. While cellular respiration happens in the mitochondria. The chemical formula for Carbon Dioxide is CO2 And the chemical formula for water is H2O.In the chloroplast the chlorophyll converts radiant energy from the sun to chemical energy so the plant can use it

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Organic Compound 9/25/16


A organic compound contains carbon. Nucleic Acids contains DNA and RNA. Nucleic acids are made up of Made up of Carbon,oxygen,hydrogen,nitrogen and phosphorus. The monomer is Nucleotide. Carbohydrates are a energy rich compound made up of carbon hydrogen, and oxygen. The monomer is Saccharide. Carbohydrates provide energy for cells. Lipids are energy rich compounds made up of carbon hydrogen and oxygen.lipids act as a energy storage for the cell and makes up most of the cell membrane. The monomer is fatty acids. Proteins are large molecules made up of carbon,hydrogen,oxygen,nitrogen, and sulfur. The monomer is amino acid. Proteins regulate growth and development,transport oxygen and other substances and increase rate of chemical substances.

S&EP Constructing Explanations And Designing Solutions:

I constructed a explanation when saying that some examples of proteins are meat,cheese,beans,bread and nuts. And also stating other examples from Nucleic acids could be DNA and RNA. Lipids would be wax,ice cream and fats. Carbohydrates beans,pasta and grains. I also stated their monomers ,Nucleic acids; Nucleotide. Carbohydrates;Saccharide. Lipids; fatty acids.

Structure And Function:

The structure and function for a Carbohydrate is that it provides energy and components of some cell parts. Proteins form parts of the cell membrane and form most of the organelles. DNA is found in the nucleus and contains all the information that the cell requires to function kind of like the motherboard of a cell. RNA codes for making proteins and can be found in the cytoplasm and the nucleus.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Cell Wars Project Blog


The presidential debate for who is going to be the next president of Cell Land is OVER!!  Everyones vote is being cast in. My vote is going to the Ribosomes because from their presentation is the the ribosomes help grow your hair and the proteins they make gives and helps the cell with its structure and the function of the whole cello. The ribosome has both a large sub unit and small sub unit. The ribosomes make all proteins which after get sent to the Golgi Apparatus to be processed modified and sent out.

Backward Looking:

 I knew pretty much all about cells because we learned and had a whole unit on them in 5th grade but I forgot some parts from here and there. I knew the different cells were Vacuole, Ribosomes, Lysosomes, Peroxisome, Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm, ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum), and the Mitochondria. The only thing I forgot was the structure and function. But this project cleared up my head and reminded me about the cells and organelles.

Inward Looking:

What I found frustrating out this project was that we had to do so many things and my group was scattered here and there.  When we said we were to do the poster we ended up smearing/burning other organelles. And we had a hard time settling on what to do one this day and the other. I mean half way through class we would know what to do but by the next half we would be leaving work half done. That was another problem we would be spending to much time on one thing such as our poster for most of class leaving only 15 minutes to work on our script which is key for our video. But we got over it and gave a pretty decent poster,video,smear/burn and tack board.

Outward Looking:

I would give my group an A- or the lowest a B+ because we put a lot of effort in our video smears/burns and poster. But in my opinion I think we could have put a tad bit more facts in our video. And we could have made our posters a little bit more informative about our organelle. But in my opinion our smears/burns were perfectly fine. Like I said the only thing with flaws was our poster and out video.

Forward Looking:

One goal I want to set for myself is to probably organize out what day I would do this and that. I say this because I feel like my group was kind of rushed. My group was kind of rushed because we would be springing from one place to the other place doing work. But the thing is we would leave our remaining work like 80% done while starting another part of the project. So for future projects I would want to make a calendar to stay on track and to keep myself on task and focus.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Organelle Problems 9/11/16
Achondrogenesis type A and B
There are many terrible disease and trouble to a human and a cell when a organelle malfunctions. For example; The Golgi Body. The Golgi Body can cause a disease called Achondrogenesis. Achondrogenesis is a disease that makes a babies bones and cartilage have a hard time developing. This is causes by the malfunction of the Golgi Bodies micro tubules. Its malfunctions when the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) cannot transport proteins to the Golgi Body. And this causes the bones a cartilage to have trouble developing. 

SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence
In out cell wars unit we are arguing about cells malfunctions and which cell would make a fine president. And my cell is The Golgi Body. We are arugining and saying the Golgi Body is the best candidate because The golgi is often considered the distribution and shipping department for the cell's chemical products.The Golgi also is found in both animal and plant cells.And we already work for the cell. 

Structure and Function
Once again we were working on our video so we had to investigate further into other organelles functions and our own as well. We found out that Mitochondria “Malfunctioning mitochondria have been linked to diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and even normal aging.” And If we have too many vacuoles, that can cause serious diseases such as Danon’s Disease, which can affect the whole cell. Actually, it can affect the entire body. Danon’s Disease breaks down muscle cells, leaving a low survival rate. The cell membrane is responsible for letting in water, salt, and nutrients. If the membrane malfunctions, the entire cell suffers because of the imbalanced levels of water, salt, and nutrients. And Achondrogenesis is very rare. Only about 1 in 40-60,000 babies have it.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Golgi Body

  • The golgi body modifies many products from the Endoplasmic Reticulum including proteins and phospholipids. The Golgi body packages the proteins that the ribosomes make.
Gathers simple molecules and combines them to create complex moleculesThe golgi is often considered the distribution and shipping department for the cell's chemical products.A Golgi Body was actually one of the first organelles 
to be observed. A italian physician named Camillo Golgi discovered it. It was found when the physician was investigating the nervous system. Some of the many function that the Golgi body does is it gathers simple molecules and combines them to create complex molecules.

SP8: Obtain,evaluate and communicate information
<=My group made a poster to persuade people to vote for the Golgi Body for president of cell land. We are still looking for small facts to insert but this is what we have. We put information such as"We do more than package we also modify and sort things"which means that not only do we package things that the ribosome's make we also modify and sort them.

Structure And Function
The function of my organelle is to package modify and sort things for secretion.We also transport things called lipids around the cell that the ribosomes produce. Were basically the post office of the cell. The golgi body is also part of the ER. The ER is also known as the Endoplasmic Reticulum. We sort and process proteins. The golgi body was discovered long before the scienist actually knew what it did.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Cell Theory 8/26/16


The Golgi Body is technically the the post office for a cell. The golgi body is found in both plant and animal cells.The first golgi was actually one of the first organelles to be observed. A italian physician named Camillo Golgi discovered it while trying to investigate the Nervous system. Gathers simple molecules and combines them to create complex molecules. Then packages the complex molecules in vesicles and either stores them or sends them out of the cell.
The golgi is often considered the distribution and shipping department for the cell's chemical products.he golgi was actually one of the first organelles to be observed. A Italian physician named camillo Golgi discovered it. Modifies, sorts and packages proteins for secretion.

SP6: Constructing Explanations And Designing Solutions:

I evaluated information from a worksheet to decide which is the odd one out and we decided that the sugar was the odd one out because earlier that day we discussed that if the thing is alive it can eat and drink and reproduce for example a apple seed. A apple seed falls off apple tree and obviously most people won't pick it up because its on the ground so it stays there. And after all that time the apple rots and the seed are still there. And when it rains it gives hydration to the seed so the seed plants itself to the ground and the sun also helps by giving the seed energy. So right there was a example of reproduction,hydration, and energy. This is what indicates I something is living.

Structure And Function:

A cell is a starting point for all organisms. Its like on big building block. The cell has many different functions and parts inside it. For example the Vacuole,Mitochondria,Cell Wall,Cytoplasm,Cell Membrane, and there are more. All those including more help control the cell and how to maintain its structure. There are over 100,000 trillion cells in our bodies. The Nucleus controls the cell. And the Mitochondria is the power house of the cell. All cells in our body come from preexisting cells.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Weekly Blog 5/22

This week I found out that Food can rot in the process of distribution and can get scratches from being packed. At home Food can be wasted and left in the fridge until it expires. It can also be stored in overheated places or it could be stored in a place that is too cold.In the production of apples for example The apples can fall off tree and break open and get scratches. And bugs can spread diseases on apples.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data

We analyzed data on a google document and we also got data from different sites and compared them to see which data was the true one and which was not so true. We had about 3 charts for 3 different reasons. One was the process of processing food another was what food was in season and another one was for dairy farmers vs food farmers.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Weekly Blog 5/9/16 - 5/16/16

I learned about many animals through out this week. Such as these animals. The Eastern chipmunks are native to North America and they can be found in Southeastern Canada and the Eastern United States. People think that this animal hibernates but it doesn't. They actually move to warmer weather. They live on the food they have brought into their burrows.  Also a chipmunk can live to be 3 years old. The American Black Bear lacks the distinctive shoulder hump that the Grizzly Bear has. This bear can run up to 25 miles per hour, which is very quick for its 220-594 pound body. They walk in a "heel, toe, heel, toe, etc." pattern like people. They have rounded ears, a short stubby tail, and short claws that help with climbing trees. These are some animals that live in the deciduous forest.

We used a "model" or "diorama" of the deciduous to show how the deciduous looked like. This week everyone finished their diorama this week. We used a shoes box with a printed picture of the deciduous as a backdrop. And we used fake trees as well um trees! And we also used some real dirt from the earth and sprinkled it over our shoe box bottom. We used yarn as a water current flow. And we bought fake animals to represent our Animals in our shoes box.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Biome Project Project Blog

In this project we had to make a website and diorama on a biome of our choice. We had to put a page for plants,Animals,Human Interaction,and Survival.And I was working on the Plants Page. We basically had to put like 5 or 3 examples of plants. And for our diorama we could use whatever we wanted as long as the diorama had 3 animals, 3 plants, and 6 labels for all the animals.

I didn't know much about the deciduous forest before we started. I only heard the name before but I never bothered to research it. But now I know that the deciduous forest is a temperate forest or temperate broad-leaf forest. That are dominated by trees that lose their leaves each year. They are found in areas with warm, moist summers and mild winters.

I feel proud about this because our diorama and website came out very good. I like how we were able to make a nice simple design of our biome.I feel like our diorama wasn't that simple because we put lots of effort and used our creativity. I enjoyed making the diorama and planning it. I disliked that we had to write down so many facts for many different animals and plants on the website. But overall this project was very fun to do.

I would give my project an A because we worked hard and followed the instruction. We double checked our work to make sure we met all the requirement on the website and the diorama. And while making the diorama I feel like we all pitched in our creativity to make it and decorate it. And I know that all my group members contributed on the website. I know this because our website has an amazing amount of facts on each topic that we had to do. And we like did extra checks, like over 5 to make sure we had everything and we even did grammar checks, or at least I did. This is one of the many reasons why I would give my project an A.


I would change our page setup on our website, because I feel like we could do a little better in it and our choice of page backgrounds. But this can easily be fixed by last minute changes on the website. I really want to change the amount of facts that we put because its uneven because 2 pages have many facts and 1 or 2 have less. And I also think that some of the pages have an exaggerated amount of facts. But overall I wouldn't change anything else. But I know for a fact that our diorama was on point and there is no need to fix it or make any changes. But these are my thoughts on my project, my teams might be different but this is my point of view.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Weekly Blog 4/25 - 5/2

A biome is a large ecosystem with many different kinds of plants and animals.The deciduous is a type of biome.The deciduous forest is a temperate forest or temperate broad-leaf forest. That are dominated by trees that lose their leaves each year. They are found in areas with warm, moist summers and mild winters.The deciduous is a place with many animals but has the threat of habitat loss for these animals. People are cutting down their trees. The deciduous also have very nice and decorative plants. One of the plants is the Lady Fern.

S&EP: Developing and using models
We are supposed to make a diorama of our biome. Like I said my biome is the deciduous forest. My group is going to make the forest view of our diorama. We are going to put 3 plants and 3 animals, one of the animals is going to be a endangered animal. We are going to use our data and information on our flora and fauna and use it in our diorama.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ocean Project Blog

  • This week we worked on a project that was supposed to locate messages in a bottle. And we had to make a story of how the bottle came to the ocean and a worksheet of which currents took the bottle to its place. I learned that there are many many many different types of current. I thought there was only 3 or 6.  I also learned that a gyre is created by the rotation of the earth and the wind. I also knew that winds creates currents.
I knew that the ocean water is very salty and that its undrinkable. And that currents are created by the wind. But in class we got taught some new things. I knew what a whirlpool was. But I never knew there was a thing called a gyre which is a spinning pool of water thats created by the rotation of the earth and the wind. A gyre is NOT a whirlpool. Whatever goes into a gyre never comes out. The gyre keeps all the trash inside the little spinning pool of water. The spinning chaos keeps trashing inside the trash pile. Theres also something called The Great Garbage Patch, there are actually two of them. The Garbage Patch is described as a trash vortex. The patch actually started out as a gyre, then it became bigger and accumulating more trash. There are two famous patches because they are the biggest ones. There are smaller ones know as gyres but these are the most popular gyre's.
I like my work because we had to make a map and I really like drawing maps. And I think my map was really good. And we had to make a story also and I think I made a good story also. But one thing about my story was that there wasn't much dialogue at all. And I felt like I should have added some more dialogue. I enjoyed the story part where you could make up a story because it lets us choose how the bottle got into the ocean. Theres no instructions and no limit. This means no rules! You can write what you want! This is something I liked about the project in lots of detail.
I would give myself an A, because I put lots of effort into it. I followed the directions and I tried my best. And I feel like my work is exceptional because I used what I was supposed to and I worked with other people to make sure my work was fine. The lowest I could get is an A- because my story doesn't have much dialogue and it's not that fun to read. I think its like that because I started my story a tad bit later than everyone else so I had to quickly put together a story both including the way the bottle got to where it is and while teaching the reader about oceans. 
I would change my story because like I said I felt like I needed to add more dialogue. Because most of my story was just narrating! And I feel like I should have done a little bit more dialogue and make my story a little more interesting. But I would mostly focus on the dialogue part because the reader needs to experience whats going on in the story through dialogue. The reader can't experience the full effect through just narration they have to experience it through dialogue also.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Weekly blog 4/11 - 15/16
A gyre is a spinning water circle caused by the earth's rotation and the wind combined causing it to start spinning in a circle form. Its not a whirlpool! A surface current is movement of the water anywhere from the surface of the ocean to 300 feet deep. On the other hand a a deep surface current is water movement that happens 300 feet deep under the oceans surface. Salt water is heavier than fresh water, if you were to put them in the same bottle the salt water would sink and the fresh water would stay at the top. Same with hot water and cold water. Cold water is heavier than hot water, so the cold water sinks like the salt water and like the fresh water, the hot water stays up.

S&EP:SP2: Developing and using models: Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?
I class we had a project about currents and we were given coordinates and through these coordinates we had to map out the currents it went through. Mine went through the Mozambique to the Antarctic Circumpolar to the South Atlanta then last it ends at the Benguela currents. We are basically mapping out messages in a bottle that was assigned to our group. Everyone has a different coordinate.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Weekly Blog 4/9/16
A ocean contains about 120 million tons of salt!  A ocean can be polluted many ways such as people littering, oil spills,or other bad stuff.  A ocean can help humans a lot we can easily clean out the water from its salt and pollutants then we drink it.  The ocean has the largest population of animals in it. Some animals aren't even known yet. If the ocean gets harmed with oil spills or lots of litter, it can affect us because the ocean supplies us with lots of our food. I also know that winds can create currents. Current are the direction the waves move in.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data
In class we had a worksheet on a Lego Spill and had to figure out what currents brought them to certain places using coordinates. So most of the legos ended up on a coast. I think the coast line was the California current.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Weekly Blog 2/29 - 3/4,h_525,al_c,q_85,usm

Summary:  Acid rain is a type of rain that contains so chemicals that are acidic. Sometimes if the rain is not that acidic it won't affect the wildlife and ecosystem. But if its too acidic then it becomes a threat to wildlife. Juan Tuno in our article said this "If they're a little bit acidic, then that's normal, but if they're too acidic, it would kill the fish and other water life." Basically what I said. Acidic rain can be a huge problem. And maybe the answer to the massive fish murder that I am investigating.

S&EP: Engaging in argument from evidence: Did you participate in a class discussion providing evidence for your answers, and/or used the ACE strategy in your work?
This week I used the ACE strategy in my quiz's. ACE stands for Answer, C stands for Cite evidence and Explain. I used it to answer the questions about Acid rain. This is one of them. Do you think acid rain is killing the fish? Why or why not? I said it is because the water test prove that the water is too acidic for fish. Maybe this could be the answer to the Massive Fish Murder.

Grey Area Argumentative Essay

The gray area has been having a problem lately. This problem is that the fish are dying off in large numbers. There is a big question going around “who is responsible for the death of these fish.” With the fish dying of this is a big tragedy which makes less food for other animals. Now the scientists are trying to find out who made this mess? My thinking is that Sandy Trapp and her golf course are causing the fish to die. Because the fertilizer is polluting the water which is causing algal blooms to grow. And then with the lack of oxygen the fish can't breath well then they stop suffocating.

I think that the fertilizer is polluting the water which causes phosphates than that helps algal blooms to grow. Then the algal blooms will suffocate because the algal blooms block out some oxygen for the fish to breath. The article states that the fish need oxygen from the water. “Many fish and water insects cannot breathe oxygen from the air.They breathe dissolved oxygen in water. This also shows that the algal blooms could be affecting the breathing of the fish. Because some fish need more oxygen than the others. “Other animals (like trout, pike, salmon, and the larvae of mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, and beetles) need a lot.Without enough oxygen, these animals can die. Other animals that depend on them for food may die or leave.” This also tells us that the golf course can be a culprit because they dump way too much fertilizer in the river. “Too many phosphates (and nitrates) build up in water. They may come from laundry detergent, manure, or fertilizer.”

You can tell that the golf course in responsible for the fish dying. Because by watching the birds you can tell. And note the amount of certain birds.  I know that the kingfisher only eats fish.  So with the phosphates the fish will shortly die off. Since the fish will eventually affect the food chain, it will affect the kingfisher.The fish will die then it will take away the food for the kingfisher. That's how the kingfishers population is decreasing. The fish will eventually die off causing the kingfisher and the other birds to die. The this will affect all the other birds. This could spread to deer and other animals. And even to us!

Sandy trapp knows that she is doing something wrong. So does Mo but she's forcing him to. Her golf course is using way too much fertilizer.
“People pay to play on green grass, that's our business. No green grass=no business.We need to add more fertilizer and water to our lawns. I hope I have made myself clear.” States Sandy Trapp with a email directed to Mo. This could be a clue in proving she is behind the fish murder. “Phosphates are a kind of chemical found in fertilizer…” says Juan Tuno. And with the email from Sandy we can tell that the phosphates are in the river and phosphates help algal blooms grow, which causes fish to die off with the lack of clean water and oxygen. “Phosphates help algae (water plants) grow.” This is what the algal blooms files say. And like I said with the lack of air for fish they start to die. Phosphates are formed when there is too much fertilizer and people are watering too much. This causes the phosphates.

I think that Sandy Trapp and the golf course are behind the fish murder. Because she waters on too much fertilizer and her golf course creates phosphates. All of my evidence includes the phosphates because that creates algal blooms and fish loose oxygen.That kills them. And the algal blooms aren't good in general either. Knowing this people should stop going to the golf course so they can stop watering the fertilizer which is already to much. And remember this note that Sandy did? “ No green grass=no business.We need to add more fertilizer and water to our lawns.” This proves that if we don't go to the golf course, they don't put fertilizer anymore because the grass is already Ok. Join to put an end to this fish murder. Stop going to the golf course!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Weekly Blog

I learned that the grey area has been having a problem with the amount of fish dying. They have been dying in very large numbers.  The chemical test show 0% chlorine. And the water slide opened at the same time the fish started dying of.This makes the water slide a culprit.
SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
Yes, I did ask a scientific question because i had to ask wether the water slide involved the death of the fish or not.Then we had to conduct tests on the water slide.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

River Challenge Project Blog

I learned that the Amazon River is located in Brazil. It is a very long river so it runs through Bolivia, Guyana, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia and Peru. It flows east. And I also learned that There are a lot of tribes that live near or on the Amazon river. One of these tribes are the Yanomami tribe. They believe that every living thing in the rainforest or river has a spirit. Kind of like in the movie “Pocahontas” when she sing ‘Colors of the Wind’. This belief is called animism.
I did know a little bit before we started. I said this because we studied rivers before we started our project. So we knew about the different types of river features such as meanders,levee's,the mouth and more. So yes technically I did know about the river before I started. I also knew the amazon river was home to very rare species.
  • How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
    I feel proud about my work because we put lots of effort and time into it.And by "we" I mean me and my group. I enjoyed filming because one of my teammates fell into the lake. I disliked that one of our members didn't really cooperate at all much they just messed around.

I would myself an A because my group and I put lots of effort into this project. We really tried our hardest. And we tried to put in some humor also. So it was like a actual documentary fun but not to of topic.
I would want to change the way we did things because we were really rushed.And since each of us were busy on days others were free.It made it more difficult to get everything under control. So we were getting scared but we found a way to get through it.