Thursday, December 17, 2015

Charity Fair Project Blog

This was originally mine

We had a charity fair in which we had to make a product and them find a charity that we thought was important to donate money to.And we get the money by making the product and then selling it at a mini fair at my school.And then we would have to make a Carbon Footprint,Cost & Profit,and a Persuasive speech and put that in our presentation.And I made with my group homemade candy bags with Lollipops,Gummies,Mints,Chocolate covered Pretzel sticks and Rice Krispies.
Have you done a similar kind of work in the past (earlier in the year or in a previous grade; in school or out of school)?

Yes I have done done this similar kind of work its actually the same one but with a different product. I've done it in 5th grade and I made hand made knit bags with holiday cards,and a egg roll in them.But we never had to do a carbon foot print. This year they added it and they also added that the whole school can only donate to one charity. Which means we would have to sort of compete to make our charity the one to get all the money.
What was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished product?

What was satisfying was to see our whole product come together all the yummy candy in a bag none we raw or uneatable and they we well made. What was also satisfying was that we actually worked as a team to do our work we never had a fight on who does what. What we actually did was make a To- Do list for each of us.
If someone else were looking at the piece, what might they learn about who you are?

They would learn that I am creative and artistic. They would know this because I put a little christmas light decoration on the top border of our board. And I also made the gummies holiday themed. So the one thing they learned about me in this board is that I am artistic.
One thing I would like to improve upon is ...

One thing I would like to improve on is that I want the stuff we do in our group to be in a orderly fashion and not rushed or last minute. Because in this project everything besides the food was almost last minute and it was sort of rushed. And when things are rushed they don't come out that good but I think we did a satisfying project. And this caused us to leave the rice krispies second food DIY without captions. So this is one thing I would like to improve on for my next project. So for the next project hopefully nothing will be last minute.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Weekly Blog 12/7-12/11

What I did this week is that I had to find a good combination for a hole in the park.The park had rain which eroded away lots of dirt leaving a hole in the park. So we had to find combinations of different types of soil combinations to try to get the one to cover the hole and stay there. We also did our charity fair     Carbon Footprint which is basically finding where all our stuff that we use comes from like China,Europe,Germany etc.

S&P 1 Asking Questions And Defining Problems
  We were asked to find where our products came from and we had to find the manufacture and the country it was located.  And we just had to look up the name of the  Item name + country + manufacture. And on top of that we would have to find the place where the manufacture is located and how long it takes to come here in kilometers. And I have to define that problem because my group would have trouble with it.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Weekly Blog 1130/1204


Soil is the one of the most important resource's. Obviously soil is under us so we have no idea how important it is to us and the ecosystem.Almost all of our food rely's on soil to grow.In class I read that there are 7 different types of soils and they are the Tundra Soils Northern Forest Soils,Prairie Soils,Mountain Soils,Southern Forest Soils, Desert Soils,and Tropical Soils.

SP4: Analyzing And Interpreting Data

I used a spreadsheet to collect data about soil. My group and I analyzing are in the process of analyzing what a "critter" does to help the soil and what it eats. We have used a spreadsheet that our teacher gave us.This spreadsheet lets us put in so things we found to answer some questions about soil. And we learned most of the "critters" are microscopic after analyzing our data.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Safest Place in America Essay

Cleveland, Ohio is the safest place in America. Cleveland, Ohio is free from tsunamis, most earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, blizzards, and tornadoes.Cleveland, Ohio only has small earthquakes that don't ruin anything just a little shake and thats all.But Ohio's average magnitude is 0.16. Cleveland also has no wildfires because Cleveland has cold weather that can't sustain a wildfire. Tornadoes do occur in Ohio, but they occur in rural areas around the areas away from the city. Cleveland, Ohio is a city, not a rural area. Hurricanes don’t occur in Ohio. None has occurred in a long, long time. And over the past years, there has only been one single one. Ohio is usually always missed by most hurricanes, and very few hurricanes actually occur close to Cleveland.

The reason Cleveland, Ohio is free of Tsunamis is because Tsunamis are unable to reach Ohio. Even the lowest grounds in ohio are too high for a tsunami to reach. Tsunamis need an earthquake to form most of the times. But Ohio does go through earthquakes, But Ohio has very small earthquakes and these small earthquakes can't cause a Tsunamis.The Biggest earthquake in the history of Ohio was only 5.4, and after that no other earthquake that big happened again, and that 5.4 earthquakes didn't even cause a Tsunamis!! The proof that shows that Tsunamis need earthquakes to have a Tsunamis is the 7.0 recent earthquake in Japan that gave birth to a tsunami.

Cleveland, Ohio is unable to have wildfires because of Cold weather. The weather is normally cold and Cleveland, Ohio does not have much plants or crops to burn.Unlike California, there is no drought so there is plenty of rain and if there is not a drought that means no wildfires. Cleveland has been a city and cities don't go through wildfires. Wildfires are fueled by dry plants and crops.Cleveland is a city so there are not much plants and crops to burn. But in a rural area there are tons of wildfires.

Earthquakes can occur in Cleveland, and also they can occur in the rest of Ohio. There is not a fault in Ohio that can create a big Earthquake.No Fault goes down to Ohio. The largest earthquake in history of Ohio is a 5.4 earthquake.Ohio has not had a bigger earthquake since then. Ohio’s current earthquake average is around 2.0 to 3.0. No earthquake in Cleveland causes much damage. There is no fault that goes through Ohio as I said before.There aren’t many earthquakes in Ohio anyways. All of Ohio has around 6 - 7 per year, and they don’t have magnitudes over 2.

 I think that Cleveland,Ohio is the safest place because it is free from tsunamis, most earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, blizzards, and tornadoes.Cleveland,Ohio only has small earthquakes that don't ruin anything just a little shake and that's all. The weather conditions in Cleveland,Ohio are safe and don't cause natural disasters. So the only wildfire there is to be made is the ones caused by human carelessness.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

11/13 Weekly Blog

I learned that Cleveland,Ohio is free from Hurricanes,Wildfires, and tornados. Its free because Cleveland,Ohio is like a city so the winds won't be able to form in the city Tornados only form in flat areas where the wind can start swirling around.Cleveland,Ohio is not a place where there can be wildfires because its a city and theres no place really that is dry because Cleveland,Ohio is a city.And there are no Hurricanes because Cleveland,Ohio is not near any oceans however it is close to the border between Canada and the United States.Thats why my group says its the safest place in america.

S&EP 4- Analyzing And Interpreting Data
I Analyzed and Interpreted my data by collecting facts for Cleveland,Ohio.I also Analyzed and Interpreted by writing down other facts about other places in Ohio.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Weekly Blog 1102/1108

I learned that earthquakes happen when underground rock suddenly breaks along a fault.And this make the ground shake.Places that this could most likely happen in are in Nevada and California.It happen in California because it is located fairly close to the San Andreas fault which slides across California.This form a plate tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. Lets say there is a 2.5 earthquake in California.But 4 months later a 3.5 earthquake comes. I know the every earthquake after the other one is ten times bigger so the 3.5 is 10 times bigger and more dangerous.

SP 8

I found this information because we had to get information from websites on worksheets.And we had to record this with a partner.We would both look at a website and the have a conversation on what to put down on the paper. And we figured out that most earthquakes are prone to happen in California and Nevada rather than any place else.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Weekly Blog 1012/1018
The most places prone to wildfires is California,Texas,Oregon,Idaho,Florida and Washington. Also 4 out of 5 wildfires are caused by human carelessness.Wildfires tend to spread quickly and fast because the wind.A hurricane is created in 5 different steps. Step One, a hurricane needs ocean water as warm as 80 degrees fahrenheit which provide more energy for the hurricane. Step 2, winds come together forcing air upwards. Step 3, Winds flow out once they reach the top of the storm allowing the air below to rise. Step 4, Air that is humid rises forming the storm clouds. Step 5, Light winds outside the hurricane guide it and let it grow bigger and bigger.

SP 8
I was finding information about various natural disasters on a worksheet.And we had to find out the geographic occurrence,where it is prone to be,and we had to explain what it is and I worked with a partner and we inferred about what should go in what.Because our teacher has to approve it so we can move on to the next one.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

1018/1025 Plate Techtonic Project Blog

We had to do a project based on Volcanos and Tectonic Plates.We got to choose a volcano to make a IGNITE presentation for it. And then answer certain questions.I chose the volcano Popocatepetl.

I didn't know very much about the volcano I chose.But then I do know about volcanos. And I chose the volcano that I did not know nothing about because I wanted to be challenged.

I felt proud of my work because my other team member and I put lots of effort into it.I like the presentation because it was just like a IGNITE presentation should be.But on the other hand the model just looked well ehhh so thats the part I dislike because it just did not look that right it was not wide like the picture is.

I want them to notice that I've put lots of effort in this and so has my partner.So i want them to notice the hard work not only i've done but my partner also because we've worked a looooong time on this.Forward-Looking:
What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
I would change the model because we ran out of clay and our thing was to put one big flower pot at the bottom and out a smaller one on top.But we had no more clay and it was our las t building day so we just took the small one and did it.But the paint was sort of poor.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Weekly Blog 1012/1018

Summary:I learned that the plates involved in Popocatépetl are the north american plate and the cocos plate and that the cocos plate is subducting under the north american.Also the type of boundary is the Convergent plate boundary. Popocatépetl is located in Puebla,Mexico and is the most active volcano in Mexico.The Aztecs named Popocatépetl that name because it meant smoking mountain.

Sp2:Developing and using models.
I constructed my Popocatépetl model to represent the shape of the volcano and how it would look.I redid it as I learned more about it I because I made it skinny.But then I learned it was wide not skinny so redid it.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Weekly Blog 1005/1011

The earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago by debris from the construction of the sun. Granite was the type of rock that formed the first continents.The tectonic plates Alfred Wegener discovered float on the mantle. Heat escaping the core creates a convection current on the next layer called the mantle in which the tectonic plates float on.And lastly the worlds last supercontinent is called Pangea.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information
I obtained my information when the class watched a informational science movie. And I wrote down all the notes that I could find or hear.I also wrote down scientific words that could help me in ways or just to learn more vocabulary.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Weekly Blog 9/28-10/2

There are many types of boundaries that I learned this week such as a Divergent Boundary which has a plate that spreads apart from it,A Convergent Boundary which makes the plates hit each other,and a Transformation Boundary which just makes plates slip past each other. And we also blew our paper maćhe volcanos.We also had to know that viscosity can be affected by composition and that the more heat there is the less viscous there will be.There a volcanos called shield volcanos.And they get their name because they are not pointy like other volcanos they have a half circle popping out of the ground ready to explode.

SP2: Developing and using models
constructed a paper maćhe volcano and I blew it up to learn more about the silica,viscosity and how they are made. And the volcano was not a shield volcano it was a pointy one. I blew up the volcano 3 times and the third volcano came down quickly and hit the bottom after 5 seconds.And the number 2 went slow moving to the bottom in 12 seconds.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Weekly Blog 9/21-9/25
This week we worked on the layers of the earth foldable and the continents.The foldable was about the layers of the earth we had to color the layers each a certain color and then label them. Then we had a contents sheet of paper and we had to color in the same plants or animals the same color(ex:crocodile colored blue other crocodiles are blue).Then we had to cut it out and glue them together.

SP2: Developing and using models
We made two drawing and cut them out because the earth foldable was a drawing that was going to be cut out.And the continents was a drawing slash puzzle because we had to color it sort of draw the cut it out and then match up the pieces.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/14-09/18

This week we did a rock cycle cartoon to show what we know about the rock cycle. We had to include good illustrations and no sloppiness. We also had to add some vocabulary word such as cooling,metamorphic,sedimentary,heat and pressure. And to know what our journey was our teacher named our table different places like cloud and rivers. And we would start out at our table and roll a dice that would tell us where we would go. Then the next day we would have to make a cartoon about it.
SP2: Developing and using models
As you read this week we made a rock cycle cartoon that was a drawing that we used to describe the rock cycle.But we also made a Paper Maché volcano after which is going to be used to be exploded on monday or something!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/07-09/11

                                      Weekly Blog 09/07-09/11

This week I worked on a Scientific Method Comic Strip.And what we had to do was make a comic strip about our version of the scientific method. Or it could be a science experiment that goes through the steps of the scientific method. Mine was a salt and sugar race based on a experiment I did. And I did a 7 strip comic.
I did not know much about the project the only thing I knew was drawing the comics and cutting squares. Things I knew about the experiment was that sugar was smaller and that salt was a little bigger. But surprisingly the Comics strip came easily because I thought that the description had to be super precise. But it had to be just a description.
I felt proud about my description on my comic because it explained what was happening in my illustration. And something I did not like was some of my drawings. Some of them were sort of weird and the people in my drawings had lopsided heads!
If I were a teacher I would give this a A. Because the description is exactly explaining what the picture is. And the squares are cut out nice and neatly with just small slants. Also the colors are not scribbled on its simply colored nice and neat.
One thing I would like to improve on is the drawings because sometimes the drawings are sort of lopsided.But the way the textures are done is sort of weird for my drawing but I like to try new things.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Weekly Blog 08/31-09/06

I learned that salt can dissolve faster in water than sugar. In each bottle I used about 100 milliliters of water and about half a spoon full of salt and sugar. And I mixed the salt and sugar at the same pace. Then once it all dissolved I would make a data table and set it up and record the times for both salt and sugar.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information:
This week I completed the experiment and the experiment went like this.First we had a question "does salt dissolve faster than sugar?"
Secondly we came up with a hypothesis and said probably sugar because its more lighter in weight than salt and it comes in smaller chances than salt. Then we tested it and we put the salt and sugar in at the same time and we stirred it at the right pace.Last we put our data together and we concluded that salt dissolves faster than sugar in water.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Scientific Method 0824-0828

The scientific method always starts with a question.There are many ways you could put the method in order.The scientific method is the order science experiments go through.But you can have as many steps mixed up as you want.The scientific method has thing like collecting data and analyzing the data.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information:
 This week I completed the *new* scientific method.We thought about the way we could move the steps around.We read from a website and we thought about what order each step should go Basically the steps can be moved around to the persons pleasure.

Image source:

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Goals for 2015-2016

My first goal for this school year is to learn as much as I can because I want to succeed in my classes. And I want to try to get my grades up and I really want to end up graduating valedictorian for middle school so my second goal is to keep straight A's.And my Third goal is stay out of trouble inside class and at break.My last fourth goal is to never give up on my studies.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Weekly Blog 5/29 Article Blog


Surprise I was looking at the national geographic articles and I saw this interesting article and read it.The surprise was that Namibia is the only place with the largest remaining cheetah population.
This was surprising because I thought the african Savannah was the place with most cheetahs.
I can learn that a place can always change depending on the time and whats happening to the land.
This article is about a cheetah's and how their numbers of population are dwindling and in what place they are scarce and in what place they are still there. 

My Citation

Backward-Looking: I only knew that cheetahs were the fastest animals on earth.And that they lived in the african savannah.And that they run 85 miles an hour. 

Inward-Looking: I chose this article because I like cheetahs and I really want to know if like they are extinct or not.And because I like articles about animals.By the way I am a animal lover.And I want to know what I can do to help cheetahs.
 Outward-Looking: This affects the future by telling people to help and donate to help the cheetahs.They need help because 100 years ago they were in 100,000 in population but now they are 10,000.They need help.Thats why this affects the future.

 Forward-Looking: One question I still have is do cheetahs still live in the african savannah or are they extinct from there.Because it says they are extinct from 20 countries.And if they put in there I would have no questions because all of my questions were answered in the article.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Weekly blog 05/22 - Article blog

I was reading through articles until this one caught my eye it was about Orcas.The surprising thing was that orcas 12000 lb. more than a piano!Its surprising because I thought they weighed about 600 but they weighted  12000 lb.I Can learn from this that an estimate is not always correct.
 This article is about the life's of Orcas. And how they live what they eat and how much they weigh.Their range and habitat and diet.
              Citation: "Orca." Orca. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 21 May 2015. <>.
I only knew that Orcas where a type of mammal.And that they lived in the oceans and sometimes were used in the zoos for whale shows.And that they were slower than a car.
I choose this article because I am interested in animals and sea life.And this article caught my eye.And I like Orcas to because I saw their shows and it was amazing.
It affects the environment by telling people how important Orcas are.And they show that Orcas have their own definition of unique.
One question I have is, Do other orca pods fight?If they included that I would be okay with the rest of the article.But now Im really curious. Searching it up now.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Weekly Blog 5/15

I was surprised when I learned that electricity saving could also affect water.
I was surprised because I thought Electricity could only effect well electricity,and i never knew it could affect water.
The Surprise was that electricity can affect water.
Its surprising because electricity has almost nothing to do with water and look at that it affects water.
I can learn from this experience to always ask someone for facts so i could be prepared.

Today we worked on our we are what we do.And I was working on trying to persuade people to save electricity because electricity is important.We need to to cook our food and wash our clothes.

My Citation

 What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?I only knew that tesla was a type of expensive car and that it ran on electricity.Now I know that it uses solar power and is about to introduce batteries systems.

No because I had no idea this could happen I only knew a few things but whats happening interests me because I am doing saving electricity and I don't know if tesla is.

It could affect the community in two ways.One it could cause a waste of electricity and waste electricity.And Two It could help people get around without using gasoline that pollute's the air.

One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.
What would you suggest to the author as a possible expansion on the topic?
I would want to know if the electricity is actually being wasted or not.And if the author included that it would be great to add to my project.And If the author did I want it to have all the details.And to answer that question myself I would research a lot and find the answer.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Weekly Blog Surprise -Alternative energy

I was surprised that the Hydroelectricity depended on the water cycle.This was surprising because I thought it was water made into electricity but I guess it depended on the water cycle.And By turning water into electricity I meant like dams and other things incorporated with water and electricity.I learned from this that I should always look up the true meaning or use before I type or write it up.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Weekly Blog Surprise 2

One thing that surprised me was that the food chain is a chain that can practically affect very thing on the chain its on!
This is surprising because sometimes I think it can affect only the creature that eats it.But it also affects the other creatures in the chain maybe another chain could be affected to! What I learned from my surprise was that I might just have to think and research about the problem and them find out what happens.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Weekly Blog Surprise

I as surprised this week when we were working on our project and we were deciding on a parallel or series circuit I first I thought that the parallel circuit would work better.But then I came out to be series.It was surprising because I thought it would be a series circuit,not a parallel.I learned that I should always wait to the real answer and never underestimate the real answer.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weekly Blog 3/27

I was doing a series circuit with my partner and the paper said we had to make our own circuit and I made the circuit with my partner and I made it and I thought it would work but two lit up and one was left blank,no light at all.Its surprising because It fought the circuit would go through perfectly but  it did not.I can learn from this surprise that I should alway be happy I guessed than not guessed at all,and I also learned that the way something looks is not the way its actually going to come out the way I think it is.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/20 - Build the Best Electromagnet

To build the best electromagnet we need to have a wire,battery and some Iron fillings.And we need the battery to be connected to the wire and the iron fillings to be the thing that gets picked up by the magnetic circuit.It will work because the wire is connected to the battery and the battery now has the power to pick up the iron fillings but if the wire is not held where it supposed  to be held it might not work.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Weekly Blog 3/13

I was surprised when we were doing our experiment I thought the 5th time was going to be 18 and when we put 5 magnets it came out to be 19.I was surprised because the other times we tried it,the experiments results were going up every time by 3's.
SummaryThis week we did 2 experiments about magnetism.I learned that North and South poles facing each other they attract and North and North or South and South Repel.I learned this in both our experiments.

Backward-Looking: I only knew one thing about magnetism not that exciting but some magnet sides don't go together.I did not know about the North and South pole I just knew that the same sides never connected.
I feel happy about my work this week because I paid attention and I did things right.And the parts I disliked was that the experiments had patience in it and I was not very patient so I just stuck with waiting.
I sort of did the same thing as other people.Because we had to have the same instructions and my team had different types of strategies.Unlike the other tables they all had different strategies.
Forward-Looking:  A goal I am going to set for next week is to do different types of strategies in our experiments because I want my team to do something way different from the other tables.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/06

The thing that I got a element that came from my parents country,Bolivia and the element was Pyrite and it said it came from Peru.But after a little bit of research I found out that it came from Bolivia,Peru and other places in south america.
Summary All week we have been working on a project call The pet Mineral project.What we have to do is we have to chose a mineral or we get assigned one.(I got assigned one).And we have to finds facts about it and then create a page on the website called Jilster.

Backward-Looking: The problems I encountered was the text i was treeing over and over to find a good text color so it was readable.And so I looked for a dark and light color and Finally found the perfect color,Pink.And the pink really stood out and i decided to use it.  !PINK!

Inward-Looking:  I was proud of my work this week,Because I had all my page filled and it was complete with paragraphs and all.So the parts i disliked was that i kept on sometimes forgetting my commas.
I want them to notice how hard i worked on this project.And i want them to know about the mineral I studied.And what i especially want them to notice is the facts and paragraphs.
One thing i would like to improve on is my punctuation,and a little bit of my grammar,and last the run on sentences.The run on sentences are what get the reader tired out of reading and it does not let the take a break to breath.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Weekly Blog 2/27

My surprise was that the mineral in the game that the graphite was coal but it ended up being graphite.

This week we learned about rocks and minerals i learned that we have to do tests to actually know what the rock is.And we are starting a project called "My Pet Mineral".

I have not done work like this at my old school but at this school i am happy to learn about this because it is intresting and cool.My school fought this in 6th grade i believe or maybe they did not teach it at all.

I feel happy and satisfied with my work because i got perfect scores on them and because i have an A right now. Something i disliked was some of my answers the weren't detailed much.

I did sort of work the same way others did and by others I mean Minh Anh.We helped each other with the work so my work came out slightly like hers.And hers came out slightly like mine.

One thing i would like to improve on is the way i wrote the answers to my google document i don't think they were detailed enough.So now i am going to start to try to write my answers with more details.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Weekly Blog 1/30

I was surprised that molecules were made by 2 or more atoms because when they are converted it creates a molecule.

We did a project on Atoms,Molecules,Elements and compounds.It is going to be very fun because science is always so exiting.And because i like to learn about atoms,molecules,compounds,and elements.

I have not done any work even close to this!  I am very happy i got the opportunity to learn about this stuff.It is very interesting. I learned lots of new things.
Parts that i particularly liked was the atoms because we could do games and read articles to learn and to use as answers.And my most favorite part was actually doing the worksheet.
My work is very different from other people.Because I use my own strategies i don't use anybody else's unless i need it.And my work will always be different from others(I hope). 
I would change the way i explained my answers to make them more detailed.and i want to do that because i want the teacher to know what i am saying.And because I love to make big paragraph's when it come sot writing answers.